Scubapro Knighthawk

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A couple of things that I liked about the Knighthawk was the quick release shoulder straps. They make it easier to put on, or take off the gear. The integrated backplate has a nice built in handle which I find usefull for loading onto boats. I also like the fact that the Knighthawk is not a Pocket Pro. I like to keep things clipped down to the outside, and that is helped by the four plastic D rings. One area I wish they didn't use plastic was the D-rings. But I suppose I can switch them out to metal when one of them breaks. and a Failure of a D-Ring does not mean the end of the dive. Although all the Purge valves are touted as a Failure point each. I don't do any diving where an emergency Boyant ascent isn't possible. Although I don't think it would ever happen, It is possible to leave the BC and all the gear on the bottom, with those neatsy Keen quick releases (say it gets snagged on something and your out of air)

All in all, I am still a Very new diver, and it does everything I want. Based on the reviews of three other people at the dive shop who use them, and various threads on this board and others, plus the time I have got to spend with it and other BC's (Scubapro Jacket, Halcyon BP/Wing) Plus the time I got to spend with a friends before I bought one, I like it and don't see how it would be considered a bad BC. I have not been able to look at a Mares, Dacor, or Aqualung. There might be better BC's there. I stick with ScubaPro because that is what my LDS sells. so I am also a little Biased.

Let the Flames begin! :wink:
ZoCrowes, I was just yanking his chain on the BC. :wink: I own a *Ranger* and it is the most bashed on BC in this forum for being a spnge like, D ring laden, tech wannabe POS. Though I love it, I am probably looked down upon by the higher DIR beings that frequent here. :)

And Windwalker, glad you like it. Like I said earlier, SP makes damn good stuff. It should last you a REALLY long time (or at least until you are assimilated by the DIR Borg). The old Scuba Pro Classic BC's seem to last for 20 years, so if they are still making BC's the same way, you should get alot of dives out of it.

I tried the Knighthawk, and liked it, but thought the Ranger seemed to fit me better though otherwise I would have bought all Scubapro gear.

Good luck and safe diving,


PS - I like Drings as well. :wacko: Lots of them! I can clip my guage bungie to one, when shore diving I clip my fin holder to one. I clip my octo to one etc etc etc. I know I will go to h*@L for it probably, but I like them! hehehehhe
That is wierd. I wonder why they switched from SS to Plastic. I wouldn't image a whole .02c difference would mean a lot. Perhaps they were easier to aquire. I would like to compare an older Knighthawk to a newer one and see all the differences. It would be interesting.. I can't remember what type of D-rings my friend has.. I will have to ask him.
Windwalker once bubbled...
That is wierd. I wonder why they switched from SS to Plastic. I wouldn't image a whole .02c difference would mean a lot. Perhaps they were easier to aquire. I would like to compare an older Knighthawk to a newer one and see all the differences. It would be interesting.. I can't remember what type of D-rings my friend has.. I will have to ask him.

One thing i noticed was that the later model knighthawks at the time had more of a "S" curve to the shoulder straps compared to some of the earlier ones. But both had SS D-rings. The next time i am in my LDS ill take a look at one.
netmage once bubbled...
Isn't the whole idea to be neutrally bouyant...? Assuming your neutral at the surface at the beginning of your dive, the only delta's are:
Wetsuit Compression (decreases with depth)
Changes in Tank bouyancy due to air consumption (increases with consumption)

It would seem 46 lbs would be suffucuent for anything. If I'm wearing doubles or heavier tanks - I should be compensating by tanking weight off my belt. Am I missing something - help me understand the need for all this lift.... Thanks
You need to be neutral at the END of your dive. Doubles do not allow you to take ALL of the excess weight off of your belt, because you are now adding more air, which will go away during the dive. Double 104s will hold about 16 pounds of air. Throw a stage bottle or two in there and you're adding another 10 pounds of air. You can't rely on the stages for ballast, even when full, because of the probability that you will be dropping (or recovering) stages during the dive... If there's a possibility that you'll be picking up 5 empty stage bottles left by the previous team, you'll need to overweight by an additional 15 pounds or so just to be able to remain neutral while carrying the empties out.

That said, for divers in the US using aluminum stages, it would be extremely rare that more than 55 pounds of lift would be needed.
Maybe they switched to plastic because it is cheaper? They probably found a company that makes them for other BC manufacturers that made them a deal on supplying them. Plastic is usually soooo much cheaper than good steel. Plus the new plastics they have today are almost like steel....

But since the Knighthawk isn't a "Tech DIR" BC, they probably saw it as a not needed item. Ie: steel D rings were not required to make a great recreational BC.

I am going to a Scuba Pro shop today, I will look at their KH and ask them about the D rings and see what they say.

Well! Nothing like publicly humiliating oneself.
I rechecked my new Nighthawk, and Low and Behold, it has steel D-rings. Serves me right for getting my BC's confused. Further more.. doing a little search, I found out that pretty much ALL the BC's that Scubapro Sells use Steel D-Rings. All the BC's I have ever used (with the exception of my US-Diver) have steel D-rings. Now.. Where did I come off saying it had plastic D rings? I have no idea. :(
My wife and I just bought ScubaPro BCs. My Knighthawk has steel D-Rings, her LadyHawk has plastic rings. The other difference is the lack of that tiny pocket on her Ladyhawk. I can squeeze a small light into my KH's pocket.
I was looking at the rangers and dove a black diamond and was hooked!! I have no qualms with it at all. And I have dove a few bc's. a couple years ago a buddy got a knighthawk abd I tried it. Not a bad bcd i would turn anyone toward it if they are looking for a good reliable bcd. but if the tank is not right on it, it will put you face in the water

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