Scubapro G2 breathing sensitivity.

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I updated the breathing sensitivity to -2 and tested, but would like to reduce it more. When I try to find the menu option (, it is no longer there. Why did it disappear and how do I get it back? I tried the factory reset, but this still did not work. Any ideas are much appreciated.
I updated the breathing sensitivity to -2 and tested, but would like to reduce it more. When I try to find the menu option (, it is no longer there. Why did it disappear and how do I get it back? I tried the factory reset, but this still did not work. Any ideas are much appreciated.
Are you speaking about: 8.Other settings , 8.2. Gas integration , 8.2.3.Breathing sensitivity ?

Page 39, 40 of the G2 Manual V1.3 - 06/2021, it says 2.8.2, BUT on the unit it is section 8.2.3, you would not be the first to forget that the manual pages, descriptions, are NOT the Units Main menu subsections. And yes under section 2 on the unit, there is no there. Again, you are not alone with this manual and its confusions. For example: Scubapro's Asia website lists the firmware update as version 1.5, BUT the American website lists version 2.0. Does Scubapro's manuals, updates, and clarity of their material need a little help? Well, yes they do!

Now if someone could tell me what 9.5.Workload , WL: Always highest, Always lowest, and Respiration how and what they exactly mean,.. I would be grateful.

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