I bought a Tech Bag the other day, which has the smaller Computer Bag inside of it.
But my tech bag (the larger bag, used for regulators generally) was labeled "Computer Bag", and my computer bag was labeled "Tech Bag".
So I go to the Platinum Scubapro dealer I bought it from and ask them about it. They informed me that other customers of there's have noticed problems with the names on the tech bags. He goes to find me correct ones, but he didn't have any. All of his bags are marked wrong. Some of the sets have both bags labeled "Computer Bag".
One customer was worried these were Scubapro factory seconds, but the shop assured me they were not, and that Scubapro has just made some with messed up labels. Anyone else see this?
But my tech bag (the larger bag, used for regulators generally) was labeled "Computer Bag", and my computer bag was labeled "Tech Bag".
So I go to the Platinum Scubapro dealer I bought it from and ask them about it. They informed me that other customers of there's have noticed problems with the names on the tech bags. He goes to find me correct ones, but he didn't have any. All of his bags are marked wrong. Some of the sets have both bags labeled "Computer Bag".
One customer was worried these were Scubapro factory seconds, but the shop assured me they were not, and that Scubapro has just made some with messed up labels. Anyone else see this?