Scubapro Caddilac or Chevy

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LI Diver

Reaction score
Long Island New York
# of dives
500 - 999
:06: I've only been certified since June and have been purchasing gear and reading posts (and diving) and I was just wondering if there is a definite pecking order in the dive equipment industry? For example Bentley,Mercedes,Caddilac,Chevy,Kia etc.I realize everyone has their preferences and 10 people will give 10 different answers and I'm not looking to start a debate here. Also I'm not talking about prestiege or status symbols but if owning a good solid dependable workhorse of a piece of equipment qualifys as a status so be it. And what is the deal w/Scubapro it seems that not too many places around here carries their line and I've seen posts about their limited internet sales(which is fine by me because I believe in supporting my LDS).Are they any better than the rest? I like their tank bands on their BCD's. Also Appolo makes a threaded version of a tank band latch. How are they? BTW I'm only concerned with warm water recreational equipment and not tech stuff or ice diving or anything like that,unless there is a overlap in use.
It depends, Scubapro, as with most regulator companies, sells regs in different categories.

For example, the Mk 25 first stage has so much excess performance that it is a lot like a car that will do 160mph - lots of performance but far more than someone whose idea of "fast" is going 80 mph on the interstate is ever going to need.

In the titanium Mk 25T flavor it is probably a Ferrari, while in the Aluminum/Stainless MK 25 SA version it is more of a Corvette and in the plain chrome plated brass version is probably only a Camero.

The Mk 17 is probably more of a Ford/Chevy/Jeep SUV offerring excellent performance in very demanding conditions. It won't do 160, but it does 80 on the interstate very well and will run in a foot of snow that would leave a Ferrari/Corvette/Camero high centered.

The Mk 2 is entry level and is much more affordable basic transportation like a Ford Taurus. Not bad and will get you there reliably, but it's definitely not a chick magnet either.

The X650, G250HP and S600 are designs that offer excellent performance in the Corvette scheme of things while the S550 is probably a basic camero with few options. The R190/390/295/etc are basic transportation.

Scubapro, as a company, used to have the reputation of being THE best. That was however prior to it's acquisition by Johnson Worldwide. Just my opinion, but prior to the change in ownership, the focus for design changes always seemed to be driven by engineering and performance considerations with no compromose ever being made with regard to relaibility. performance or quality. Since the acquisition more desicions seem to be made based on marketing considerations with style, appearance and introduction deadlines tending to control engineering and production efforts.

Consequently, Scubapro is now regarded by many divers as being "one" of the best rather than "the" best.

The reality is that if you stick with equipment from a reputable company and get specific models that meet your needs, it's very hard to go wrong.

That said, a MK 17 X650, or Mk 17 G250HP is probably as close as you will get to a do everything regulator.
Scubapro is one of a number of brands that offer quality, high performance regs. If you like dealing with an LDS, then find a good one and let them help you choose from what they carry. You'll spend a bit more that way but, if it is a goo0d LDS, it will pay off for you in the long run.

I like the older style SP tank bands but they were somewhat expensive. Dive rite makes the same thing for almost half the price (
Thanks guys specialy you DA it was very informative and almost exciting! You are definitely the man when it comes to regs. Are my oceanic alpha 7's any good? I feel like it is a effort (however slight) to exhale. They are brand new.Is this normal?
But how about other stuff like BC's and wetsuits?

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