I am going to put a plug in for Scuba-Life as well and agree with O-man comments 100%. I've dove with a few other DOs here in Coz (all good DOs) but Scuba-Life really hit a home run for me. They are young (maybe 30) but very safety concious professionals and couldn't be more friendly. The boat is comfortable, fast and laid out nicely. The DM's (JP & Carlos) are full of energy that work hard to plan a profile to meet your diving skills. They do a lot of small things that make diving with them enjoyable (like choice of music, provide rain parkas, good munchies, etc). My concern is that once peeps get to know them (only been in business 6 months) it my be difficult to book with them b/c they will be full and only have 1 boat! JP told me the website should be updated in a week or two.