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Looking further I see that and is owned by the same individual with similar DNS setting. As such I accept that they are a joint thing.

What I want to know is who is Flemming Elleboe and how they are related to ScubaBoard.

Realize that sending newsletters like this from a domain that isn't even similar causes those of us who pay attention to get agitated quickly.

Did you even use the newsletter setting from the forum? Mine says no right now but in fairness I can't be sure it was like that before I unsubscribed.

I would also like to point out that sending the newsletter about without any forewarning is a bad idea. ANYONE could have registered that domain and made it seem like it was coming from you. That is a pretty standard phising technique.

Looks like Flemming is also the registrant for and

we had a number of complaints with how our old newsletters used "unsubscribe". People had to log in and many had forgotten usernames and/or passwords. This resulted in our e-mail server being black listed by a number of ISPs. vBulletin had no easy answer for us, so we are trying a whole new format with a new process that should make it simpler to "unsubscribe". If we picked yours, or any name that was not already subscribed to the Newsletter, you have my sincere apologies. My goal was not to upset you, or anyone else.

The point of the Newsletter is to reach posters who have seemed to have forgotten about us, as well as to communicate various upcoming events. I have about 6 people working on this initial run. We will be importing usernames now from those who are newly registered, and allowing the new "unsubscribe" system to work.

Again, ScubaBoard values YOUR privacy. We are trying to do this in a way that allows our newsletter to be read by all without breaking any rules as well as being able to protect the database.
Really, so you own and eNewsletter Pro Enterprise Version 8 Cause that is who sent the email and who received my unsubscribe request.

never even heard of the ".me" domain extension before.

It appears that it's for the country of Montenegro. (which can't say I'd heard of either.)

They just became a sovereign country in 2006 it seems.

Ironically, all the links from the newsletter are blocked where I work to I would think others are having the same issue. I think better use of it as a newsletter would be not to have 3rd party URL's in the links.

.me - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hope you can navigate to this from work.

It is from Wikipedia, so you know it is true!

yeah I already saw that.

if you dig deeper (outside Wikipedia) you'll find that the country NIC will sell to anyone and partners selling domain names with Go Daddy, etc.

so you could go register if you wanted. I'm sure this 'enews' service is just doing that. But it's not the smartest idea for marketing if most subscription firewall filtering lists block unknown sites from little known foreign countries. (for fear of viruses, etc).
Yeah, I gathered that from the Wkipedia article when it mentioned the price of,, and
Yeah, I gathered that from the Wkipedia article when it mentioned the price of,, and

I figured those were sites you'd already registered when you found out they were available :thumb:

EDIT: actually I never clicked on your link because I thought it was the Wikipedia Link for Montenegro and not for the domain..... (I was looking at the Wiki for the country earlier when I posted above...)

I just saw your last post when I went "did it really have in it?" and check it! :rofl3"
I have a question ... you said something about subscribing to the user groups that your interested in having the news letter tailored to them .. but, most of the groups I'm interested in, SCUBA manufactures, DIR, Etc. ... require some kind of certification or business number to join.
What does that mean for the newsletter to those of us that are interested in such things?

There will be two newsletters. One designed for all ScubaBoard users and one meeting the needs of ScubaBoard Pros. We will be sending the latter out to anyone on ScubaBoard who claims to be a Scuba Professional. There will be an opt in link for those who want to see the pro newsletter.

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