Suggestion Scubaboard Wiki

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Canberra, Australia
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25 - 49

After a previous thread:

And some further thoughts on the matter.

I would like to suggest the option of a Scubaboard Wiki, which could be a consolidated knowledge base about any or all things SCUBA. If you have ever looked for consolidated information (particularly on a hot topic) and wished you didnt have to trawl through the 30 threads that the search engin returned then the Wiki might help.
EG: Wiki Search= Long Hose setups, Could return Wikis on, "Buddy breathing", "Cave Diving", "Rescue Techniques", etc...

But each topic itself would be together in one place and you can choose the most correct one, it also limits the ability for a thread to be hijacked from its original purpose, because irrelevant info would be edited out over time...

It could be used in many ways, and I appreciate that it may also cause problems of its own. If the Wiki is adopted there would have to be a rellatively comprehensive terms and conditions policy to ensure that it is not abused and that contributers are not flamed.

I would like to canvas other members for their thoughts on the matter as it may impact all members of the forum, and I also only have limited experience with different wiki's.

Anyone for wikiSCUBA??
Darn! I was going to nominate you to oversee it! Seriously, it's really a pretty good idea. The concentrated knowledge base here would help to make it one of the most accurate wikis in existance.
I have rethought the problem, looked carefully at the issues and I now think that doing an SB wiki would be a great idea. I'm happy to lend whatever help to the project I could. It would not be difficult to present rational opposition sidebars to augment main line data, in fact it might go a long way to slowing some of our stranger SB discussions, you know ... all sides are in the wiki, let's move on.
Hi All:

Here is a link to Underwater Wiki, which so far is a Northwest attempt to develop a Wiki type reference for dive sites, shops, etc.


There is also an information section that, at this point, is more of an outline.

From my perspective this is a good start, but it isn't developing because not enough people either know about the site, or care to add information.

It would be really great if SB sponsored this or a similar endeavor. What makes wiki type ventures successful are a lot of participation. Great idea to pursue.


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