Suggestion Scubaboard Wiki

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Canberra, Australia
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25 - 49

After a previous thread:

And some further thoughts on the matter.

I would like to suggest the option of a Scubaboard Wiki, which could be a consolidated knowledge base about any or all things SCUBA. If you have ever looked for consolidated information (particularly on a hot topic) and wished you didnt have to trawl through the 30 threads that the search engin returned then the Wiki might help.
EG: Wiki Search= Long Hose setups, Could return Wikis on, "Buddy breathing", "Cave Diving", "Rescue Techniques", etc...

But each topic itself would be together in one place and you can choose the most correct one, it also limits the ability for a thread to be hijacked from its original purpose, because irrelevant info would be edited out over time...

It could be used in many ways, and I appreciate that it may also cause problems of its own. If the Wiki is adopted there would have to be a rellatively comprehensive terms and conditions policy to ensure that it is not abused and that contributers are not flamed.

I would like to canvas other members for their thoughts on the matter as it may impact all members of the forum, and I also only have limited experience with different wiki's.

Anyone for wikiSCUBA??
Valuable, but who would update it?
Well the whole concept of a Wiki is to combine the knowledge of all the members who wish to make an input. The theory is the Opinion aside that the correct information will over ride the less than reliable stuff.

There could be some rules in place where by only senior members or moderators can fully delete info so that nothing of importance is lost.

The whole point of the Wiki would be to create an extensive resource for SCUBA information, that does not rely on a small number of people to create it. Once the system is in place it would gro of its own accord.

The point would be that if you needed info on a particular SCUBA item or skill or whatever; you could look it up on the Wiki, and if the item had been previously researched and written about you could find a fairly comprehensive amount of info about the given topic. If there is no entry in the Wiki and you go about gaining a bunch of info about the item/skill you could add it to the Wiki for future use by others who may in turn add any new and relevant info to the entry. You can add text, images, sound and possibly video files to help describe your entry.

I hope that clears up some of what a Wiki is. (check out for the mother of all examples.)
I favor it, but in cooperation with the regular WIKI, not as a separate site.
We had a new member (kind of new diver) with a somewhat similar idea once. He tried to present an example of the comfined knowledge on pony bottles wasn't it? It was a little comical. I wondered why a new member wanted to re-invent the place? He didn't get to; haven't seen him in a long time.
We had a new member (kind of new diver) with a somewhat similar idea once. He tried to present an example of the comfined knowledge on pony bottles wasn't it? It was a little comical. I wondered why a new member wanted to re-invent the place? He didn't get to; haven't seen him in a long time.

I was not realy trying to re-invent the board, and I am not familiar with the pony bottle incident. But I am interested in proposing a section where some of the really good knowledge and experience is consolidated and accessible in one post or Wiki page . I realise that it may not work in certain situations (Ala the long hose vs short discussion, or the Air2 vs Standard Octo discussion) but those are opinion driven discussions and what works for one may not work for others. The situations where I think it would be a great resource are those where there are facts and history to consolidate ie. the detailed knowledge on a particular 1st stage reg, or a particular BC iteration. Info such as release date, colour selections, features, known issues, service tips, service bullitens, discontinued date, discontinued service date, etc...

I guess that new members/divers with new ideas are not much liked by some members.
I favor it, but in cooperation with the regular WIKI, not as a separate site.

Darn! I was going to nominate you to oversee it! Seriously, it's really a pretty good idea. The concentrated knowledge base here would help to make it one of the most accurate wikis in existance.
i think it would be valuable, but i also think it would need to be a 'gated' community. either posts or corrections should be vetted by a mod squad then posted, or the members allowed to post should be maybe voted on by the community.

i know the value is that anyone can post & correct, but with some contentious issues, i don't know that the dust would ever settle if that were upheld.

however, an alternative could be an archive of papers, like 'rock bottom' or 'why i like the long hose' or 'why i thing traditional octo is the way to go' or 'what i think newbies should do about obtaining gear'.
Y'all think the committee would come to agreement on most of the issues?

That would become a Scubaboard approved approach, wouldn't it? :11:

Scubaboard does host articles already, doesn't it?
not so much for a 'scubaboard approved' stamp, more to prevent the online equivalent of graffiti spraying.

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