Scubaboard selling/giving away our email addresses now?

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Have other people also received this mailing?
I got one. My spam filter caught it.
I got one also but have been in discussions with tim regarding carrying his product. I told him I heard about the lights on here. I personally do not mind receiving it. As I plan to deal with him as an individual and hopefully carry his line. But it does concern me that access to sb email addresses is possible without our notification. Dive stuff I don't mind. The first time tho I get a dear sb member from viagra or a nigerian widow I'll be pi$$ed.
The first time tho I get a dear sb member from viagra I'll be pi$$ed.
I got some from the women in the singles area, but I just thought they knew me.
First off my apologies for not getting back to everyone right when this email went out. As many of you may remember, a few months ago we ran a contest which many members entered. On the contest registration page was a checkbox that read:

Allow ScubaBoard and the contest Sponsor Partners to use my information for marketing purposes. I understand that my information will not be resold or transferred without my consent.

Many of our participants chose to optout from this option as it was completely voluntary, many others did not. At the end of the contest and in accordance with our privacy policy, the contact information for those people who chose to remain in the marketing list was sent to our contest sponsors, of which Nocturnal Lights is.

Personally I would have preferred a different method of execution but please understand, Nocturnal Lights did not steal any email addresses nor did we transfer the email addresses of just anyone. Our contest clearly offered up the choice to be included in a mailing and many users opted to be included.

ScubaBoard maintains a strict anti-spam policy and expects the same of any company we work with. All of our messages contain a simple optout process and in the case of co-sponsored contests we do not allow any data to be resold, transmitted or reused except by the sponsors and only in the event that a user has opted to receive such mailings.

As a result of the feedback I will be removing the email address from the feed in our future contests so this sort of communication is not possible. Basically we will no longer have this sort of relationship with our sponsors when it comes to email addresses -- just to avoid any confusion. Like with all of our previous contests, having any data shared will remain completely and entirely optional and shall be clearly marked as such.

If anyone would like further clarification on this issue or to provide additional comments please send a message to NetDoc or email and we will gladly assist you.
I just wanted to echo what Tech Admin just wrote.

We made a promise that we would NEVER sell your information to anyone else. We have KEPT that promise and will continue to do so.

In this last giveaway, we gave YOU the option to receive promotions from those who graciously gave away their products here on ScubaBoard. While we might have thought this was a "good idea" to give you the choice, it has clearly proven to be a bad idea. Your trust in our privacy standards is worth FAR MORE than any contest. In the future, we will not allow these contest sponsors access to your e-mails regardless of any boxes you might check or not check. We are planning a contest to start January first, and we will re-negotiate with them so that they are cool with this new policy.

One last thing: please don't hold this against Nocturnal Lights. You gave them YOUR permission to contact you and it's not right to hold them to a different standard after the fact. They should have an "opt out" link as well as physical address per CanSpam requirements. If you do not wish to receive their (or any other previous sponsor's) marketing, just follow their directions. Since we do not enter the contests (go figure) we did not see this mailing until it hit YOU.

However, if you do get any E-Mails or PMs that are solicitations, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE contact Tech Admin, myself or ANY of the ScubaBoard staff so we can look into it. Part of our magic is keeping YOUR TRUST and as I have said, that's our most important commodity!
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