ScubaBoard Etiquette/Acceptable Practices

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I was wondering whether it is acceptable to engage you all in some market research/R&D/idea solicitation for development of a dive-related extension of one of my company's products. In my brief time following this board, I have derived great enjoyment and knowledge, so I would not want to see this board degenerate into a commercial venue or a tool for personal profit. However, you all are precisely the kind of enthusiasts from whom good ideas are generated. Is asking for comments/feature wish lists re a commercial venture considered taboo? Or would folks welcome the opportunity to get a equipment manufacturer (not one of the big name brands) to actually listen to them on the front end, and perhaps give respondents prototypes to hands-on testing (it's an accessory, not life support gear, so field testing wouldn't be not hazardous!). What would folks prefer?

As an aside, I should note that my company is a not-for-profit organization and the "social entrepreneurism" benefits our readily embraceable charitable mission. I do not realize any personal benefit or gain . . .
Perhaps a more detauled PM to KN or LD would be a more efficient way to get an official answer your question.
Excuse my newbie status, but

A PM is?? A private message? If so, how do I do that?
KN and LD are whom?

Again, I just want to be respectful of what you've created. Thanks for your help.
Uh, Allen, you might get more useful done if you enable Private Messaging in your profile.
Sorry Allen,
As the kids say, "my bad".

You are correct, a PM is a private message. I see that Rick referred to the "profile" location-and that tech support helped on another thread.

KN=King Neptune LD=Lady Diver
They are the 2 folks who (I believe-help me out gang.) created this board, are in charge, and are in great measure responsible, along with regulators, moderators, etc. for the classy atmosphere.

I again apologize for not being clear with my initials. I should know better, being an extreme internet newbie myself.
Also never hesitate to ask- everybody does, and your question may help someone else.
Take care,
Miked was right on track. Let KN and LD (names explained earlier) know what you want to do and how and what for. If they don't have a problem with it then I don't think the board would either (I may be wrong).

Thank you for asking before taking such a step. I for one appreciate it.

Thick skin and a flak vest are always helpful.
that contains your survey, and then we could subliminally send it and no one would know.

A market survey to "Turkey in the Straw" (or "Do your Ears Hang Low") (and I believe this is in the public domain, so I AIN'T apologizing!!!)

Do you like them green???

Do you like them green,
blue, red or tangerine?
Do you want big or small,
maybe short or maybe tall?
Do you want them light or heavy?
Like a '57 Chevy?
Do you like them green???
Hi Allen and welcome to the board.

By all means start by clearing this with KN and LD. As one of the oldtimers on the board I have no objection to the idea if it is kept within reason. Actually, I would be happy to participate, I like discussing new ideas and playing with new toys, but I don't want to see a bunch of posts that are simply trying to sell me something. If you get this cleared by KN and LD, I would suggest that all of your post be as open and upfrount as your first, honesty and credibility will go a long way here.

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