Scubaboard Dive on the Great Escape - Saturday, August 29, 2009.

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Near Pasadena, CA
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OK folks the date is set, the spots are reserved and we all love to dive so join me and many other Members on the Great Escape dive boat Saturday, August 29, 2009.

*********** There will be some great prizes! ***********

This trip is planed for three great dives around Catalina. Weather and conditions are yet to be determined but being SoCal, my confidence is high that we should have nothing but a wonderful trip.

Peruse the boats website for more information about the Great Escape but from my personal experience, they are a top notch operation and the food is just terrific!

There is limited space so please PM/email me if you want to join in the fun.
New lower costs! Only: $115. per person. Payments will be made directly to the Great Escape so call, tell them you are a ScubaBoard member, and book your spots! 1-866-348-3262
Do it now before all the spots are taken!

*Dive on the Great Escape, Saturday, August 29, 2009 Calendar Event
From their website:
What to Bring
Each guest is responsible for bringing their own diving gear, including tank and weight belt. The Great Escape does not provide any gear at this time.
We suggest that you bring a submersible pressure gage, timing device or dive computer, and buoyancy compensating device. All tanks brought aboard will be checked for current Hydro and VIP status before being filled. Divers are responsible for monitoring their own bottom times and dive tables.
Don't forget to bring your certification card plus a fishing license if you intend to take game. Don't forget dry towels, sun screen, etc. Guests are not allowed to bring large coolers aboard. We have a large built in freezer for keeping your game. Small "playmate" size coolers are OK. All bunks include blankets and pillows, but you may feel more at home if you bring your favorite sleeping bag. Also, bring a little cash for the galley and air fills (for some single day charters only), and tips. Air fills, food, and non-alcoholic beverages are included in the price of all trips.
Ah heck Dave, guess I'll suffer through another one of these trips. Beats mowing the lawn.
( Yeah, I know these trips ROCK, but I'm hoping it's not sold out before I can make my reservation ):D
I would love to go. That is if you don't mind a fairly new to scuba diver.
I am going out this Saturday, July 18, on the Great Escape and will give my report here on scubaboard. I tried the Mr. C two weeks ago and was going to go out on the Magician, but after hearing all the positives reviews on the GE, (and the price stimulus of $115), I decided it is the GE for the rest of the summer/fall.
I need to check the schedule but if I'm free I'll be there. Thanks Dave!

Schedule is looking pretty good, I think I'll make this one.
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I'll wave at you as the boat passes by, Dave.
I'll wave at you as the boat passes by, Dave.

I doubt we will get that far South but we will be thinking about you!~:wink:
Look sweet but too far out for me to commit. Maybe by mid August I'll see how my schedule holds out.

It will be the perfect time to debut you new hood! :rofl3:

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