Scubaboard Book: Categories & will you contribute?

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Get Published in the 1st Scubaboard Coffee Table Book!

Hey, Everyone!

A project has been suggested by mjh to produce a coffee table book made up of images from ScubaBoard members. Exact details are being compiled as you read this but to help kick start things we are looking for your input on categories and willingness to contribute images.

Images would be authorized for a single, non-exclusive use and full credit would be given to the photographer. Each contributor would need to commit to purchasing at least one copy of the published product. Images will need to meet a minimum standard; we might post photos that yours would need to be “as good as”.. Possibly we will only accept 2 images per contributor depending on how many people commit. Might need two volunteers per category to pre-screen images; all images to do with the underwater world & scuba diving will be considered.

Please put forth your suggestions for categories - 5 or 6 are envisioned.

Please also indicate if you might have photographs that you would be willing to contribute in each category eg: "I suggest Ice Diving - I have a photo I would be willing to contribute"

This thread is solely for category suggestions and getting a feel for how many photos there may be for each category. Please create new threads for any additional discussions. Here is a thread already talking about compensation and publishing issues:

The two topics for this thread are:
1 - category suggestions...even if you aren't thinking of contributing
2 - which "category" you have images that you would be willing to submit.
I think that everyone probably wants to be published. Ok, I have made it into several commercial tourist publications here in Hawaii, and the magazine Historical diver.
I am not doing anything with my images at this time. sounds like fun.
Why not?
Man, categorisation is going to be tough. I would suggest Macro as one. That would cover a major segment of the photos. Maybe Wide-Angle as another. I tend to think of types of photos, rather than types of diving. The latter will be far too difficult to narrow to 5-6 categories.
I have nothing of any photographic quality to add to this, but i am wondering if we are talking types of photos - as in style (above suggestions wide angle, macro and the like - i really dont know much about this type of work) or as in type of photos - invertibrates, reef, types of fish, larger marine life (sharks/whales/rays), wrecks, cave/rock formations that kind of stuff. I agree with Wolverine, its harder to split it up in the types of diving, but if someone said catagories of photos for a coffeetable book, that is what i would think of first - cos i am not a photo tech head :wink:

I would certainly look at purchasing one when this all gets finalised, dont even mind screening, but i cant add to the photos as my skills and knowledge there are pretty limited and really i prefer looking at the stuff than framing it up and shooting.
I'll think about categories, and since I am still learning, I do have a couple of pictures that I think are good enough to contribute. I think they are already posted here in the gallery. More about categories when I have time, but Macro, Fish, Creatures, Wrecks, People, Topside, etc. These are a few off the top of my head.


I could contribute to the first 4 if my pics are deemed worthy.

Headed to Roatan tomorrow so I may get a few more.

I would definately buy a copy of the book, but have nothing to contribute. I just started taking UW photos and have a ways to come.

As for categories, please don't forget the caves/cenotes like stated on the other thread.

I can contribute a couple of shark pictures if you like..if they are worthy of this book.
UW Environments-->Reefs, Wrecks, Caves, Caverns, Spring Basins
Large Vertebrates-->Sharks, Whales, Dolphins, Large Fish, Turtles, ect
Macros-->small critters

I have a shot that I'd like to contribute for the Diver category.
My second shot would either be a fish shot, or an UW environment(spring basin) shot.

I would be more than willing to pre-screen images in any category as well.

I'd be willing to buy a copy pending a reasonable price with reasonable shipping costs(like no more than $60 when its all said and done with - less is better though).
I like dbh's categories of: macro, wide angle, wrecks, behavioral, and topside. Other possibilities would be people (divers) and "creative" (photoshop manipulation). Obviously, there could be multiple sub-categories in many of these areas. I would gladly contribute to all of the categories except "creative" and would purchase at least one copy for myself and maybe a few more for my shop.

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