I realize this is an old thread, but has anyone done any diving in these lakes? A couple of them might be interesting. Burr oak and Wolf run look the best from looking at maps.
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Harrison lake | Pike lake |
lake Logan | Burr Oaklake |
Guilford lake | Findlay lake |
Madison lake | Mt. Gilead lake |
Stonelick lake | Forked Runlake |
lake White | Wolf Run lake |
Adams lake | Jefferson lake |
Kiser lake | Pundersonlake |
lake Hope | |
Belmont lake (Barkcamp state park) | |
Cutler lake (Blue Rock statepark) | |
Acton lake (Hueston Woods state park) | |
Caldwell lake and Stewart lake (SciotoTrail state park) | |
Pine lake (Tar Hollow state park) | |
Turkey Creek lake (Shawnee statepark) | |
Dow lake (Strouds Run state park) | |
Dillon lake (north of no wake buoysonly) | |
Buck Creek lake (designated area - no wake zone) | |
Alum Creek lake (designatedarea - no wake zone) | |
Caesers Creek lake - (designated area - no wake zone) |
I am new to Ohio diving but I intend to find out how some of these places are soon. I plan to make my first quaarry dive shrotly when my drysuit finally comes in but I prefer more options that 5 quarries. I got spoiled in the Puget Sound area when you could go just about any where, park and walk right in.Thanks for updating. I guess the question remains . . . has anyone ever actually dove in any of these? My general impression of most of these lakes is that visibility would be close to zero, and some would have bad boat traffic (e.g., Alum Creek). Maybe a few would be OK if not dove between Memorial Day and Labor Day, but I would be curious if anyone has ever tried. (There are, fortunately, a number of quarries available in Ohio for diving.)