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Reaction score
Florissant, Missouri
# of dives
100 - 199
I posted this just before the Big One hit, but I have to post it again.

I had some miss dealing with (which I am going to re-post in Whine and Cheese) with a dive Mares Nemo that they said they could change the battery on and they could not. Well anyway it all blew up and I was going on vacation last week with no computer. Scuba Toys sent me a PM (So they would not look like they were bashing another retailer) and said they would send me one of their rental Nemo's for nothing!!!!!!!!!!! I could not believe it. These guys went way above and beyond to make someone happy. They have certainly gained a client in me and anyone else that I can talk to....

If you are thinking about buying any scuba equipment give these guys a shot and I am sure they will do what ever they can to make you and keep you a happy customer...

Great job guys....

They put the Service in Customer Service. They are a roll model for other dive shops to follow.
Thats outstanding *makes a note to buy from them in the future*

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