Scuba silencer?

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Has anyone ever used one of these? I saw it on Nat'l Geo once... this photographer had this thing that kept bubble noise to a minimum (sounded like an aquarium errator)

How do these things work? Who makes them? Thanks! :)
Sounds cool, would make diving a lot more interesting if it works, looking forward to more info on it:) zeN
A few URLs!

One on sale for 4K

How it works: (eh, sorta)

Call me a pig..but I like this shot ;-)

haha...and advertisement entitled "Living proof that miller masks don't steam up"

jplacson once bubbled...
Has anyone ever used one of these? I saw it on Nat'l Geo once... this photographer had this thing that kept bubble noise to a minimum (sounded like an aquarium errator)

How do these things work? Who makes them? Thanks! :)
Puts the bubbles behind your head so the critters won't get scared.

On the down side is they are a bit harder to maintain and can be significantly harder breathing.

ON a single hose reg any perforated hose that attaches downstream of your exhaust valve will break up bubbles. Ideally it should distribute them in the channel formed by your tank and backplate/BC to acoustically isolate the dual exhaust formation noise and shield them noise source from the critters. On the down side there is a high probablility that exhaust effort will increase.

No real hill to doing the design for a horizontal or vertical diver, especially on a side breather like the omega. Manufacture at low cost will be a bit more of a hill, and making the thing "all position" could be right interesting.

It's just a lot easier to learn how to "breathe easy" and not scare the critters.

pipedope once bubbled...
Very interesting dual counterlung design there.
Not sure if that's really a good design for diving ...
... bouyancy ... might induce hyperventilation ...
probably nice for the surface interval, though.:wink:
FredT once bubbled...
Puts the bubbles behind your head so the critters won't get scared.

On the down side is they are a bit harder to maintain and can be significantly harder breathing.

Does anybody still build these? Until a few years ago, Nemrod in Spain did. But from what I understand they don't anymore. :(

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