I am a newbie to the scuba world. I dove once in St Maarten, loved it, and want to get my certification. I am looking into a YMCA course here in Boston, but want to know just how frightening it is to dive in the NE Atlantic. Anyone have any insight?
I dive in the Bay of Fundy and, as others mentionned, waters of the North Atlantic are darker and colder than what you may have experienced in the Carribeans. The catch is that you'll never know until you try it and see what it is yourself. Then you'll be able to make up your mind.
I think you're on the right track by getting certified with a local organization. This way, you'll be able to tap into local knowledge and get a few dives in your local environment with some supervision. Joining an active dive club will also allow you to buddy up with more experienced divers; it's great not only to discover dive sites but also to improve your skills, learn about gear configuration, etc.
As others have already mentionned, the North Atlantic does have a lot to offer in terms of marine history (wreck diving can be very exciting) and marine life (in the Bay of Fundy, we have sponges, corals, anemones, lobsters, crabs, urchins, starfishes, wolf fishes, sculpins, flounders, etc.)
Go ahead and give a try!
-André in Fredericton