Scuba Jenny survived the hurricane!

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Speaking of flooding -- I do have pictures from a few years back when we had one of our usual spring cloudbursts. The neighborhood plumbing supply staff went to work in a row boat, oaring down our street!
Of course, they've fixed the drainage and we haven't had water creeping up our driveway in a long time, but snorkeling to Publix brings back memories!
And then there's the time my husband had to make a "preggers pleading" journey on foot -- after an ice storm -- but that's for another day. :D
Hiya everybody. Thanks for all the well wishes, much appreciated. Hermit Crab and I survived with only a loss of sleep. The power went off at 9:30pm on Thursday night, and with the shutters, it was almost unbearably hot! For some reason, I chose not to open the windows and let the breeze in. HC and I did blow up the air mattress, and camped out on the livingroom floor, listening to the wind howl, and things go bump in the night (dang cat, knocked someting off the the dog in the garbage?.....what was that sound outside) It'll drive you crazy if you are not careful!

Did take coffee to Marvel yesterday morning (next trip to Wally World will include a purchase of a camping style coffee pot and alleivate the 40+ minute wait in line at Dunkin Donuts, running on a generator!) and to gawk at the minimal damage on the trek there. Her apartment looked like it was through a winter storm with drifts of sand. The parking bumper was under 4" of sand. Good news is the ocean is still there and will be diveable in a few days.
Glad to hear that the all of you made it through the storm.
Jenn, why didn't you call us? We didn't lose power at all and you and HC would have been, and are welcome to hang with us.
Well, actually, ya'll were susposed to get it, not us! LOL
(next trip to Wally World will include a purchase of a camping style coffee pot and alleivate the 40+ minute wait in line at Dunkin Donuts, running on a generator.

Sounds like you need a hurricane kit, kinda like our "snowed in" kits, with some good camping gear in there!

Actually, Romeo, we do have hurricane kits. And you thought you were being funny! LOL
My kit includes cast iron skillets for the BBQ, empty water jugs to fill when the storm approaches, a bottle of rum, some fun stuff to do with Hermit Crab, lots of batteries and flashlights and all the other "regular" stuff.
I was talking to my buddy and after discussion, since I have a gas stove, I don't need the coffee pot. Can make my cup of Joe on the stove! Whoo Hoo!
No, wasn't trying to be funny (for once!), more along the lines of "we should compare kits"!

Other than provisions to keep ourselves warm, the contents of the kits would probably be very similar!
I have a camp stove in mine, because if everything goes out, there's no guarantee that city gas will be operating :wink:
canuckdiver, are you expecting a hurricane in Ontario?

if so... i have awesome land to sell you about 20 miles east of jacksonville, florida

canuckdiver, are you expecting a hurricane in Ontario?

if so... i have awesome land to sell you about 20 miles east of jacksonville, florida


LOL, not quite, but being in a rural area, we have seen some pretty extreme snow falls, with major blackouts and such.

Not as bad as a hurricane, but entirely possible to be cut off for a couple of days.

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