I agree with this. How many times do we read posts where people seem to be bragging about how small their wing is, how streamlined it is.. etc. etc. I always felt the discussions were ridiculous. I much prefer to have some excess capacity to help another diver (or even to bring a weight belt up I find). Using EXCESSIVELY large capacity is a problem because the bubble can shift to one side and there is a distinct danger associated with a stuck inflator being worse if you have a really large wing...
My kid started using a BP/w and it has maybe 45 lbs of lift (Dive Right Venture Wing) and he does warm water diving with an aluminum tank, 3 mm suit, and 8 lbs of lead and aluminum plate. I know he will probably NOT need that much buoyancy, but I would rather see him use that than some 18-20 lb wing. I just don't see this excess wing capacity as a problem to be avoided.
Too many people on this board seem to make it a contest about how LITTLE of a wing they need, how LOW their SAC rate is and how little lead they use and will argue forever that they will never be confronted with a situation where they may need to dump a weight belt at depth. Then at the same time, they will argue that if you use a pony bottle, it MUST be a huge one.
Sounds like a bigger wing and/or a pony bottle and/or the capability and willingness to ditch lead... might each, independently have averted a death.