Thanks Thal,
No one is sending me - I'm just collecting data and preparing for questions (which could delay) the process if I don't have the answers. It's happened alot in the past 2 years, so I try to have all the facts and be as prepared as possible. Not a state employee and I do preside over the oganization that will assist in the intentional sinking. Since the state has no money (catch the news about budget crisis in Michigan) we want to answer questions on envrironmental and economic impact of the sinking. Knowing the liability issues possible would help in our draft proposal.
I've contacted DAN and they do have some info (which is betetr than none) and as to governmental immunity... It's here in Michigan. So why would they want to slow or stop teh intentional sinking process if they have governmental immunity? The thought, btw, was when the vessel touches the bottomlands, it becomes the property of the state of Michigan (assuming it's abandoned).
No one is sending me - I'm just collecting data and preparing for questions (which could delay) the process if I don't have the answers. It's happened alot in the past 2 years, so I try to have all the facts and be as prepared as possible. Not a state employee and I do preside over the oganization that will assist in the intentional sinking. Since the state has no money (catch the news about budget crisis in Michigan) we want to answer questions on envrironmental and economic impact of the sinking. Knowing the liability issues possible would help in our draft proposal.
I've contacted DAN and they do have some info (which is betetr than none) and as to governmental immunity... It's here in Michigan. So why would they want to slow or stop teh intentional sinking process if they have governmental immunity? The thought, btw, was when the vessel touches the bottomlands, it becomes the property of the state of Michigan (assuming it's abandoned).