IMO, i think it was a stupid decision to give away the contract from AMR to another private company. Im not against private companies, but there are some that are hanging on by a thread. I think AMR has the best reputation, out of all the other companies. There are always one or two people that mess things up for the rest of us.
OK, Im not even going to finish reading all the posts here. This may get long and Im going to make a lot of typos. First off Jobar has no clue, time or training. AMR has a HORRIBLE reputation amongst the EMS community. They turned patient care into a business, a canadian business. They also run garbage trucks and school busses.
As a Paramedic in Cali since 1985, lic 04588, still current, I can comment on a few things. Fire based medics ( a medic is a paramedic not some 18y/o emt wanna be) for the most part, with many very notable exceptions, are medics to get a fire job then stay medics to get the extra pay. Thats why I stoped proctoring. My first interview question for paramedic students was why do you want to be a medic? 9 out of 10 answered "to get a job with the fire department"...:shakehead End of interview.
Medics shooting smack on duty? I guess there are POSs in every profession. Stoping a code? Sure, depending on local protocal. I do it all the time. Used to in Cali and still do in Alaska. I just call the hospital and tell them if I can reach them, if not, I tell them when I can I have called the code. This has been ACLS protocal for several years. If you dont get a response in the first couple of rounds of Tx, then dont waste the drugs and money on futile efforts..... Why was this restarted? I can only wonder. Clearly it should have not been.
We had a huge lawsuit many years ago. MVA, DOA, no problem. Coverd up the body and left it with the cop on scene (btw I was not involved with this) as protocal dictated. Half an hour later the body does a gas exhale/groan kind of thing. People that deal with bodies know what Im talking about. Cop calls an ambulance back and a rookie medic starts a code.... The guy was very dead but it started a lawsuit.
Why was this dredged up anyway? It serves no usefull purpose.
If you have any doubts about privates, untill the fire service discoveredhow much money ther were loosing, 90% wanted nothing to do with EMS. It was forced on many and they worked it in. Again with many many noteable exceptions, fire fighters and EMS folks are two different animals. Long time private medics are there becouse they love the job. It sure aint for the pay. FFs love there job too but there is the money/retirement thing to factor in too. It all boils down to each person and the system they work in. All have bad, good, and great medics.
The evening red wine and the flexerill I took after my day of humping gear are clearly working aganst my poor spelling and making it worse. Im not even going to proof this for typos.
The company should have to pay and the "medics" should be jailed. Not for stoping the code but for riding the horse on duty.