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I came across this on YouTube:

What are your thoughts on it? Is this a good thing, or too risky?
Anyone who uses the hand pump and keeps using it should compete in the world's strongest man competition. Do the math on what it takes to fill it up to rated pressure. It's another SpareAir. Mostly useless for divers.
My opinion:

Nothing new there really. The tiny scuba tank with integrated valve/regulator (aka spare air) is not new. The bicycle pump is not new. I'm sure it would be trivial to hook that thing up to a pump with some other power source (electric/combustion) if you were so inclined. The danger is in that they're marketing/selling it to people who don't know how to scuba dive and it is 100% scuba diving.

It's pretty much guaranteed that people will start getting maimed or killed with lung expansion injuries on this now that it's shipping. The resulting lawsuits will be the end of the skorkl.

Too bad somebody's kids will have to die in order to eliminate this thing from the market.
Better have some strong azz teeth... I'm sure this thing sinks when it falls out / is pulled out of your mouth.

kelemvor is right. This is 100% SCUBA.
Giving people scuba equipment and telling them no training is necessary.....I don’t see what could possibly go wrong......

while you’re likely hood of getting bent is pretty low.....there are still a myriad of other ways to hurt yourself..... ascension rates, clearing and equalizing, out of air emergencies, lung expansion.

someone is going to take this, go diving, run out of air, and because they weren’t trained they are going to hold their breath and make a dash for the surface and pop a lung.

and god forbid someone who doesn’t know any better pump this thing up next to the tailpipe of their running car...
A must have!
Take this comment for instance I don't think most of the people have any idea what they are buying


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Guess this is a textbook case of P.T. Barnum's adage: there's a sucker born every minute!

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