Cablemas sucks alot, but that shouldn't effect the wifi signal, just the throughput. Maybe the repeaters are failing?
Signal is good, connecting to the router is not a problem (except from inside our room), it's just that page loading is slow and often times out.
Dave, I'm not a network guru so I don't know the problem or solution. But I'd get a local expert (or two, for second opinion) to do an analysis and speed test to determine if the problem is in fact external or if it is the equipment or how it is set up. If you run speed tests and get good results from the main input before going through the routers then it's your system. Which is good since it means you can solve it. If you have slow speeds there then it is external. It may be the infrastructure or it could just be something bad in your service drop. I had problems with very slow DSL a few years ago and the tech did something at the pedestal and 15 minutes later I had blazing page loads. Now that was AT&T in the USA so getting a Cablemas tech who gives a crap may be another story...