SCC vs Aldora Villas

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Cablemas sucks alot, but that shouldn't effect the wifi signal, just the throughput. Maybe the repeaters are failing?

Signal is good, connecting to the router is not a problem (except from inside our room), it's just that page loading is slow and often times out.

Dave, I'm not a network guru so I don't know the problem or solution. But I'd get a local expert (or two, for second opinion) to do an analysis and speed test to determine if the problem is in fact external or if it is the equipment or how it is set up. If you run speed tests and get good results from the main input before going through the routers then it's your system. Which is good since it means you can solve it. If you have slow speeds there then it is external. It may be the infrastructure or it could just be something bad in your service drop. I had problems with very slow DSL a few years ago and the tech did something at the pedestal and 15 minutes later I had blazing page loads. Now that was AT&T in the USA so getting a Cablemas tech who gives a crap may be another story...
It could be just one bad repeater creating a bottleneck for the system. I didn't conduct an analysis but my perception is that I got best results on #3 and #11, and worst results on #8 and #20.
Signal is good,

Ah, gotcha.

I had problems with very slow DSL a few years ago and the tech did something at the pedestal and 15 minutes later I had blazing page loads. Now that was AT&T in the USA so getting a Cablemas tech who gives a crap may be another story...

Yea, DSL is generally more steady. Cable is usually faster, but it is a shared pool. My understanding is Cablemas as stopped selling new connections on the island because the service is so oversold. It does vary though out the day I think. Worse when the kids are out of school and nights went people are streaming movies.

Of course that is not to say that it couldn't be an onsite issue. Easy to test as you said. Plug an ethernet in the cable modem and run a speed test and then run the same test on the wifi.
WE are doing and looking at all the above.

As handy as repeaters are to set up, every hop from the main wireless 'gateway' cuts bandwidth by half. 1 hop, 1/2 speed: 2 hops, 1/4 speed: 3 hops, 1/8 speed. Take even 1 hop away from an already slow dsl connection and you've taken a speed hit. 3 hops and you are at dial up speeds.

I alway recommend to hardwire each wireless access point to the main switch and avoid using repeater mode (hops) if at all possible and minimize the hops if I really need to use a repeater. (The only good hops are in a cerveza, Leon por favor.)

A wireless brand I have come to like and recommend to my clients is Open-Mesh ( Decent prices in USD, cloud setup so you don't need to configure each access point, built-in DHCP, Guest mode if you want it and much more. I don't sell or represent Open-Mesh but am a user and implementer of it!

In Coz last August, we were pretty much off the grid in terms of internet access. It was so slow it was nearly non-functional (except at 5 a.m.).
Actually we have 2 cat 5 cables to each room and I believe all repeater are plugged in, not wireless connected.

We will have it the best we can very soon... but Chief knows the problems we face. I understand that now there is another cable supplier in Cozumel.

Just for the record, Internet access at SCC sucked big time too. (6 months ago). Forget getting a signal in your room unless you're immediately adjacent to the restaurant and even then through put was awful. Boats are also too slow for me - I'm going to try the Villas next time.
Actually we have 2 cat 5 cables to each room and I believe all repeater are plugged in, not wireless connected.

We will have it the best we can very soon... but Chief knows the problems we face. I understand that now there is another cable supplier in Cozumel.


I heard about another cable provider coming in, but I haven't heard how and if they are actually working. When we first got our place, I was trying to get cable run as we don't have it assuming like most everywhere cable was the fastest. Now I am glad that didn't happen.

I have heard a couple people mention getting cellular hotspots for internet on the island but I haven't seen one to personal see how well they work.

I have thought about upgrading my DSL to a higher grade to see if I actually get more bandwidth but I haven't tried it yet. I figure sooner or later the bandwidth on the island will get ahead of the usage.
I all reality, the Internet at the Villa is "normally OK" I spent the week of Carnival in the Aldora Suite instead of my downtown house to be able to sleep. Internet then was usually perfect.


PS When we opened the Villa in 2003 we did use DSL and every time it rained the service went out and never got Telmex to fix it, then went to cable. Maybe satellite next?

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