pasley:Crystal Cove is a high tide low wave only dive. The long walk out through the shallow water is bad enough then but a low tide it is just murder. Saturday AM high tide is o'dark thirty and low tide is at 11:43 Am so it you are going to dive there it should be very early in the AM like 0600-0700 am. So if the waves cooperate lets firm up a time. Deadmans is a good second dive.
16 April 2005
34.0083° N, 118.5000° W
2005-04-16 02:59 PDT 3.95 feet High Tide
2005-04-16 06:21 PDT Sunrise
2005-04-16 07:38 PDT First Quarter
2005-04-16 11:43 PDT 0.50 feet Low Tide
2005-04-16 19:26 PDT Sunset
2005-04-16 19:38 PDT 3.55 feet High Tide
2005-04-16 23:46 PDT 3.08 feet Low Tide
2005-04-17 04:50 PDT 3.93 feet High Tide
Thanks for the tip Melvin,
I have never actually done crystal cove, I just thought it might be a nice change to get away from the weekend shaw's crowd.
I would be OK with going there first, and then deadmans, but I dont know about parking etc. Is it by the snack bar?
Or maybe its just best to do deadmans, then crescent or somewhere else in laguna.
What does everyone think?