Sat. 25th Dive - Vets park?

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Reaction score
Perris, California
# of dives
100 - 199
Hey there,

Anyone up for a dive or two this Sat. morning or even a twilight/night dive at Vets this weekend? I could do Sunday morn also.

The swell models "so far" for the weekend aren't the prettiest but Redondo and parts of PV look the most protected. Also kinda really wanna get in a couple of dives somewhere deeper with (hopefully) less surge so I can feel out my weighting more since I dropped some weight.

I could be willing to try other places too if there's any suggestions.
I might be interested in a night dive at Vet's....I've never done one there and have heard that it's great. And I got a new light that I'd love to try out! :D

No, unfortunately it's not a sweet can light like Christian's...
Restrained from the $1200 can light huh :)

Yeah if you guys wanna meet up for a dive or two in the evening I could do that for sure. Usually when I do night ones there I'll do one twilight, check out vis, see what things are like and then the night dive. "Usually" more creatures come outta hiding at nite and Vet's really comes alive.

Lemme know if you wanna meet up.
We only have one tank each, so would only be able to make one dive. I'd be more than happy to get in before it's dark and do the twilight to night dive transition in one dive :D

I'll have to make sure Stephen wants to join, but I definitely want to make the dive. Let me know what time you want to meet. Looks like twilight ends at 7:01pm and high tide is 8:01pm.
Great night at Vets!

Definitely a "Lake Pacific" night. Very nice visibility (25'+) and calm seas. Saw several guitarfish hidden in the sand, a first for me, plus the usual Vets critters, and a nice relaxing dive. Ended up in a part of the canyon I'd never been in before, quite interesting, 'course not by choice but lousy navigation.

You kinda know you''ve gone way past where you intended when ya start hearing boats go by overhead! :dork2:

Thanks for the great night Stephen and Nicole, was wonderful diving with you.
Agreed, wonderful night dive at Vet's! You really can't beat the "walk in whenever you want cause you don't have to time the sets" entry/exit!

Found lots of cool critters hanging out. Can't believe how un-spookable some of them know it's bad when you try to get them to flee (just to see them do it) and they won't (and then someone warns you that they might chomp your finger off!).

Fun dive, navigation was fine (better than I'd do)....let's do it again soon! :D
Found lots of cool critters hanging out. Can't believe how un-spookable some of them know it's bad when you try to get them to flee (just to see them do it) and they won't (and then someone warns you that they might chomp your finger off!).

LOL yeah, when I looked back and didn't recognize the guitarfish it looked to me at first like a torpedo ray (i know i know, they look nothing alike but hey i was about 20' away). I couldn't believe you were poking around on it until I got a better look.

Was interesting for sure once I was able to bet on track with where we were and actually look around. The ball of brittle stars too, never seen those at Vets. Watching one of the little crabs eating an even tinier crab, the one fish (Cabazon?, Rockfish?) laying on the bottom with a pretty good sized fish tail sticking outta his mouth lol. Looked like he bit off more than he could swallow
looks like you guys had a good time. wish i was their :)

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