Hi Nick,
Generous help is a bit of an understatement...

Her and Lamont have worked together to do great things in the Seattle area by building the community and working with people like Margaret and Owen, and many others. One of my recent students has been diving with Lamont and Laura for several months and he performed admirably in class. They provide logistical support, gear "lending" and also act as the catalyst for a whole group of divers to get together regularly and just plain have fun diving. I have been travelling down there regularly for the last few months and it is pretty cool to see how things are coming along. 2 make 4, 4 make 8, etc. Laura also provided a classroom setting as well as someplace for a visiting GUE instructor to stay...

It is all one big family and in my view it is exactly what GUE is trying to create. I am waiting for the other shoe to drop when Lamont gives me a bill for brownies consumed....and even then....after 4 hours in 45 degree water one morning, my Ccard probably doesn't have a high enough limit for what I would have actually paid for them.... I probably would have paid $100 for the pizza Margaret brought one night also.....
Hope things are well in your neck of the woods. Nice calendar by the way.