San Pedro to Turneffe Is?

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Orange County, CA
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100 - 199
My non-diving wife is inclined toward San Pedro and I really want ot dive the Turneffe Islands. I would assume there are operations that dive Turneffe from SP, correct?

Any ideas or inputs on this type of dive day would be appreciated. Thanks!
Lots of operations in San Pedro dive Turneffe, though from here it's quite a long day trip and fairly expensive.
I would have to agree that your wife would enjoy San Pedro more as a non-diver, she would be miserably bored if you stayed on Turneffe. You can do day trips from San Pedro to Turneffe, Blue Hole, etc. These trips are all day and more expensive than "local diving" but that way you can have the best of both worlds and you will both be happy.
Lots of operations in San Pedro dive Turneffe, though from here it's quite a long day trip and fairly expensive.

Can you give me an idea of the length of "long" and the amount of "fairly expensive". Just a ballpark would do.

How would you compare local AC diving to Turneffe? I read that Turneffe is far better diving - correct? Is a full day's trip and $$ worth the extra effort or should a first timer to Belize just stick around AC? Thanks all!
It's a long trip....40 miles or more. But you don't cross much rough water going to the Elbow because you head south inside the reef, cross near St George's Caye or along there, which is already in the lee of the tradewinds behind Turneffe. Then it's 25 miles or so south to the Elbow.
I don't know what the price is now. But when I lived in San Pedro and dived there for a while back in 2000, I was blown away at the Elbow. Now it's my favorite spot. I go there one or two times a month. And it's only 25 miles from my house now. :D
If your wife would be content to snorkel, relax and hang out on a tropical island, then she'd be reasonably happy at one of the three resorts on Turneffe. But if she's more into restaurants and shopping, then she'd be happier on AC.

On the other hand, you'd be much happier at one of the Turneffe resorts. The diving there is fantastic, and the Blue Hole and The Elbow would be much closer. The former is about an hour away and the latter is five minutes away from Turneffe Island Resort. As you move north towards Blackbird and then Turneffe Flats, the travel time decreases to the former and increases to the latter but not substantially.

As a fellow married man, let me just say, "Good luck with your decision." :D

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