We did have a resolution, he agreed to pay for 1/2 the battery, which while I think was still a crappy deal, I could live with it.
Since then he hasnt paid. And thats been some time now.
And wrt paypal, paypal is one of the worst to deal with if there is a dispute. For example one time I wound up buying counterfeit software, and they wouldnt refund the money. Thankfully this transaction wasnt PP, but with my bank/Mastercard, so we'll see. I have all the communication, independent lab test, etc.
Since then he hasnt paid. And thats been some time now.
And wrt paypal, paypal is one of the worst to deal with if there is a dispute. For example one time I wound up buying counterfeit software, and they wouldnt refund the money. Thankfully this transaction wasnt PP, but with my bank/Mastercard, so we'll see. I have all the communication, independent lab test, etc.