Sad day for my Force Fins.

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Probably, it is unfortunate events that I have come across. How am I to know better? Yes he was a free lance person that was referred from my "higher-up" as a great scuba instructor Who am I to know that the event would happen. Sure it was the instructor and I still have lost that money for almost no gains behind that matter. Trust me, $240.00 was significant for enlisted pay.

As for the money figures, I just showed that to share with everyone as how Sport Chalet charges divers for their OW/ other courses. Sure, you would save money, but in order to get this, you have to pay for this and get this." That is the part that I did not like. The fault probably wasn't PADI, it has to be Sport Chalet. Maybe PADI has a package that included all those forms, etc. in a set price at another local dive shop.

As for the SSI instructor, how am I to know that he would make a decision upon me like that. I am certain that if you were a beginning diver you would probably have made the same mistake or even make the same assumptions as I did. I apologize of being a real upcoming and newbie diver mistakes. Seriously, you didn't need to bust on my chops for that PADI AND SSI issue.

As to everyone else who has read into this whole Force fin ordeal has already has been resolved and thanks for all your support.

I live on Camp Lester only blocks from the US Naval Hospital. I am also a Divemaster that works for US Air Force, Kadena, Marina and my son works at US Marine Corps. Tsunami Gear on Camp Foster. I work on Torii Station where the US Army, Torii Dive locker is located. I have good relaitonships with all the course directors at all of these dive shops. I can ask at any of these locations if your paper work is still here. Also if you could send me a private message with your instructors name we could do a PADI Pro check and see where he is teaching. Often as you know many people return to Okinawa, especially miltary dive instructors, so he could have left but he could also be back for a second tour. Send me an email if you want my help.
Baracuda Smile, Thanks for the offer but I already and officially passed my SSI OW course on 28JUL08 with Tony Romero from GR8DIVN. He came out being very good. I ended up buying the APS Mantaray fins too.The APS Mantaray has turned out to be a very good and greatly priced fin. Although, the performance wasn't as well as my Force Fin Pro. Obviously, I used the APS Mantaray just to satisfy them. I miss Tsunami gear, Baracuda Smile.
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Baracuda Smile, Thanks for the offer but I already and officially passed my SSI OW course on 28JUL08 with Tony Romero from GR8DIVN. He came out being very good. I ended up buying the APS Mantaray fins too.The APS Mantaray has turned out to be a very good and greatly priced fin. Although, the performance wasn't as well as my Force Fin Pro. Obviously, I used the APS Mantaray just to satisfy them. I miss Tsunami gear, Baracuda Smile.

Castanagajt, If you miss Tsunami gear, you should schedule a trip out to Okinawa, to experiance the great deals, training, and diving that Okinawa has to offer. I will personally take you out diving if I am here to some of my favorite diving sites weather permiting. Send me a private message if you want to take me up on my offer.
I am searching for the Okinawan Dugoon/Manatee...possibly extinct...does any one have any information on this creature?
Dang, thanks Baracuda. From the sound of it, you must be the Navy side as in CAmp Lester. So Are you going to be staying there for a long while? You know keep on taking orders to stay in Okinawa? I am going to be saving for the PI in 2011. I promised my little brother that we will SCUBA dive in Okinawa just after that. Dragoon manatee, I haven't even heard about that.
Dang, thanks Baracuda. From the sound of it, you must be the Navy side as in CAmp Lester. So Are you going to be staying there for a long while? You know keep on taking orders to stay in Okinawa? I am going to be saving for the PI in 2011. I promised my little brother that we will SCUBA dive in Okinawa just after that. Dragoon manatee, I haven't even heard about that.

You are welcome Castanagajt. Yes I live in the new houseing area on Camp Lester. I first got on island July 1997 -2002 and then returned 2005 until present. I hope to stay until Dec 2010, but may have to leave in the summer of 2009. Sorry I most likely will be in Thailand in 2011 finishing up all my instructor ratings. The Dugoon is closely related to the Florida Manatee. The Dugoon is a cousin or different species than the Manatee. The Dugoon's range from Australia through Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia. Okinawa is the northern most limit to the Dugoons range. Here is WIKAPEDIA's information on the Dugon. Enjoy

The dugong (Dugong dugon) is a large marine mammal which, together with the manatees, is one of four living species of the order Sirenia. It is the only living representative of the once-diverse family Dugongidae; its closest modern relative, Steller's Sea Cow (Hydrodamalis gigas), was hunted to extinction in the 18th century. It is also the only sirenian in its range, which spans the waters of at least 37 countries throughout the Indo-Pacific,[3] though the majority of dugongs live in the northern waters of Australia between Shark Bay and Moreton Bay.[4] In addition, the dugong is the only strictly-marine herbivorous mammal, as all species of manatee utilize fresh water to some degree.[3]

Like all modern sirenians, the dugong has a fusiform body with no dorsal fin or hindlimbs, instead possessing paddle-like forelimbs used to maneuver itself. It is easily distinguished from the manatees by its fluked, dolphin-like tail, but also possesses a unique skull and teeth.[5] The dugong is heavily dependent on seagrasses for subsistence and is thus restricted to the coastal habitats where they grow, with the largest dugong concentrations typically occurring in wide, shallow, protected areas such as bays, mangrove channels and the lee sides of large inshore islands.[3] Its snout is sharply downturned, an adaptation for grazing and uprooting benthic seagrasses.

The dugong has been hunted for thousands of years, often for its meat and oil,[6] although dugong hunting also has great cultural significance throughout its range.[7] The dugong's current distribution is reduced and disjunct, and many populations are close to extinction.[3] The IUCN lists the dugong as a species vulnerable to extinction, while the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species limits or bans the trade of derived products based on the population involved. Despite being legally protected in many countries throughout their range, the main causes of population decline remain anthropogenic, and include hunting, habitat degradation, and fishing-related fatalities.[8] With its long lifespan of 70 years or more[citation needed], and slow rate of reproduction, the dugong is especially vulnerable to these types of exploitation.[3] In addition, dugongs are threatened by storms, parasites, and their natural predators, sharks, killer whales, and crocodiles.[8]

The dugong was first classified by Müller in 1776 as Trichechus dugon,[9] a member of the manatee genus previously defined by Linnaeus.[10] It was later assigned as the type species of Dugong by Lacépède[11] and further classified within its own family by Gray[12] and subfamily by Simpson.[13]

The word "dugong" derives from the Tagalog term dugong which was in turn adopted from the Malay duyung, both meaning "lady of the sea".[14] Other common local names include "sea cow", "sea pig" and "sea camel".[8]

[edit] Anatomy and morphology

Dugong with attached remora (Lamen Island, Epi, Vanuatu).The dugong's body is large and fusiform, with thick, smooth skin that is a pale cream color at birth but darkens dorsally and laterally to a brownish to dark grey color with age.[15] The body is sparsely covered in short hair, a common feature among sirenians which may allow for tactile interpretation of their environment.[16] The dugong has paddle-like forelimbs which aid in movement and feeding, while its fluked tail provides locomotion through vertical movement. The teats are located just behind the forelimbs, similar to their location in elephants. Like the Amazonian Manatee, the dugong lacks nails on its forelimbs.

Unlike the manatees, the dugong's teeth do not continually grow back via horizontal tooth replacement.[17] The dugong has two incisors (tusks) which grow posteriorly until puberty, after which they first erupt in males. The female's tusks continue to grow posteriorly, sometimes erupting later in life after reaching the base of the premaxilla.[6] The full dental formula of dugongs is:

Like other sirenians, the dugong experiences pachyostosis, a condition in which the ribs and other long bones are unusually solid and contain little or no marrow. These heavy bones, which are among the densest in the animal kingdom,[18] may act as a ballast to help keep sirenians suspended slightly below the water's surface.[19]

Dugongs are generally smaller than manatees (with the exception of the Amazonian Manatee), reaching an average adult length of 2.7 metres (8.9 ft) and weight of 250 to 300 kilograms (550 to 660 lb).[20] An adult's length rarely exceeds 3 m, and females tend to be larger than males.[6] The largest known dugong was an exceptional female landed off the Saurashtra coast of west India, measuring 4.03 m (13.3 ft) and weighing 1,018 kg (2,240 lb).[21]

[edit] Distribution

Typical dugong Feeding area in Moreton Bay
Dugong on the sea floor at Marsa Alam, EgyptRemaining populations of dugong are greatly reduced, although they once covered all of the tropical South Pacific and Indian Oceans.[citation needed] Their historic range is believed to correspond to that of certain seagrasses.[3] Groups of 10,000 or more are present on the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, at Shark Bay, and in Torres Strait south of New Guinea. Before 1970, it is thought that large populations were also present in Mozambique and coastal Kenya, but these have dwindled. Palau also has a small population. On January 22, 2003, an individual was found (weight 300 kg, length 2 m) off the coast of Tanzania.[citation needed]

Moreton Bay in Brisbane, Australia is one of many homes to the dugong because it contains clean, clear water at the appropriate depth ranges, suitable food, and access to the sea for warmth. Although strong tidal currents affect the exact times and durations of each visit to the bay, the dugong return for protection from large sharks. This area is very important to the future of the dugong - it is a 200 km stretch of high density human habitation and recreation, with ease of access to study and learn how to best protect the remaining herds.

A small number of dugongs are also found in the Straits of Johor, (which separates Johor in Malaysia and Singapore), in the Philippine provinces of Palawan, Romblon, Guimaras, Arabian Sea along Pakistan, and Davao Oriental, and in the Red Sea in Egypt provinces Marsa Alam at Marsa Abu Dabbab.

The remaining dugongs in the Persian Gulf were reportedly further endangered by repeated U.S.-Iraq conflicts which resulted in large oil spills into the gulf. The current population of Persian Gulf dugongs is around 7500 [22], but their status is currently not well known.

An endangered population of 50 or fewer dugongs survives around Okinawa.[23]

[edit] Ecology and life history

[edit] Feeding
Dugongs are particular about their diets, with certain 'fields' of sea-grass cropped. Dugongs are referred to as 'sea cows' because their diet consists mainly of sea-grass. Unlike manatees, dugongs are exclusively benthic feeders. The muscular snouts of dugongs are more dramatically tapered than those of manatees. Their primary feeding mechanism is uprooting sea-grass by digging furrows in the sea-floor with their snouts. Dugongs in Moreton Bay, Australia are omnivorous since they choose to eat invertebrates such as polychaetes when the supply of their choice grasses decreases.[24] They will also go to any fresh water sources for drinking. Without these fresh water sources, many would not survive. The amount of these fresh water sources, however, is beginning to decline. The dugong population is predicted to enter a steep decline. However, many scientists are working to prevent this potentially cataclysmic blow to the entire dugong population. Currently, this effort is proving futile, as the dugong population is not showing any increased population numbers.

[edit] Migration
During the winter, a few herds of dugongs will move to warmer places in the northern countries, such as bays and canals.[citation needed] Dugongs also live in warmer waters of many other countries near the equator.

[edit] Reproduction

Dugong mother and offspring from East Timor
Gestation in the Dugong lasts around 13 months, and results in the birth of a single young. The calf is not fully weaned for a further two years, and does not become sexually mature until the age of 8-18, longer than in most other mammals. As a result, despite the longevity of the Dugong, which may live for fifty years or more, females give birth only a few times during their life, and invest considerable parental care in their young.[25]

[edit] Importance to humans

[edit] Ancient interaction

Ipoh's Gua Tambun - Dugong Neolithic Wall PaintingThere is a 5000-year old wall painting of a dugong, apparently drawn by neolithic peoples, found in Tambun Cave of Ipoh city in the state of Perak, Malaysia. This was discovered by Lt.R.L Rawlings in 1959 while on a routine patrol in the area. This dugong image together with some thirty other images were painted using haematite, a type of red colouring easily available in the area to ancestors of the Orang Asli living in and around Tambun.

When seen from above, the top half of a dugong or manatee can appear like that of a human woman[citation needed]. Coupled with the tail fin, this produced an image of what mariners often mistook for an aquatic human--probably the origin of the mermaid myth.

During the Renaissance and the Baroque eras, dugongs were often exhibited in wunderkammers. They were also presented as Fiji mermaids in sideshows.

[edit] In the Bible
The dugong is referred to in the Bible by the phrase "sea cow" in several places in Exodus (for example, 25:5 & 26:14) and in Numbers. Dugong hides may have been used in the construction of the Tabernacle, if dugong is an accurate translation of the biblical animal tachash.

[edit] Dugong in captivity
Worldwide, only five dugongs are held in captivity. Two are the featured attraction of Toba Aquarium in Japan; the third, named Gracie, is at Underwater World, Sentosa Island, Singapore; and the last two are found in Sea World on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

[edit] Conservation
Dugong are hunted for food throughout their wildlife range, usually for their meat and blubber.[citation needed] Also, the seagrass beds which the dugong depend on for food are threatened by eutrophication caused by agricultural and industrial runoff. Due to their shallow water feeding habits, dugong are frequently injured or killed by collisions with motor vessels. Because of their large size, they do not have many natural predators. These include sharks, killer whales, and saltwater crocodiles.

The U.S. and Japanese government want to build a new military base on a coral reef close to Henoko, in Nago prefecture, Okinawa. This plan has generated strong protests from Okinawans who are concerned that the local environment, home to the dugong, would be ruined.[citation needed] Greenpeace stepped-up its campaign protesting the Okinawa base expansion in the summer of 2007, as authorities recommenced their airbase development plans [26].

Around the waters of Papua New Guinea, natives have been known for hunting dugongs. However, they also hunt dugong's predators, such as sharks.

[edit] See also
Evolution of sirenians
Dugong (Weebl's cartoon)


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