Nope you need an inon ucl165-m67 for your ikelite housing
Also try and shoot in manual as the camera defaults to 1/60 shutter speed in av mode and you really want at least 1/250
Thanks Interceptor!
Aaah yes, manual..... and then manual strobe setting... which I just don't seem to be able to master with the Inon S240. I wonder, sometimes, whether I have got it on the wrong settings!? I set the left hand dial to manual, don't press in the button on the rhs and dial with the right hand dial for strength, right?
That is correct. I believe it starts at "2", and then goes up to "11". The bigger the number, the longer the strobe fires (the more light you get) I forget where the little selector switch needs to be though, so try it on land both ways to see which is proper.
I think you need the magnet installed and the strobe set to auto with aperture marching the camera but check with inon better
I think she means "Z240", which replaced the magnet with a switch that allows underwater selection of the proper mode.