Hoag, Thanks for your help in my quest to improve my underwater photography.
I don't know what came over me, but for a little while there I was obsessed with getting better underwater setup. In the process of trying to decide what would be the most practical setup for me I considered several options. But before I tell you what options I was considering I should provide a little background of my experience and current camera gear.
For a while I was a pretty active diver. At least until this whole COVID thing started. I have somewhere around 250 dives so far with about a third of my dives at the Oregon Coast Aquarium as a volunteer diver. I got a TG-5 underwater camera setup a few years back and have used it on one trip to the Caribbean and some dives here in the PNW. So my underwater photography is somewhat limited. I did however take up general landscape photography recently and my interest in underwater photography has been rekindled. You can see some of my pictures
My main reason for upgrading was to improve the quality of my pictures. After shooting with a Sony A7RIII and GM lenses I was coveting a underwater camera setup that could get me closer to the image quality of a FF with good glass. But I knew that I was not in a position to spend $10k for a high end FF setup so I was looking for a compromise between image quality and cost. Being as I'm a Sony shooter I wanted to stay on the same platform and I wanted a system I could build on. But then you mentioned the E-PL10 package so now I had one more option to consider. I narrowed down my choices to three different setups.
1. Sony A6400 with Nauticam housing, vacuum valve, 16mm lens and dome port. I planned to add macro later. $3,800
2. Sony RX100VII, Nauticam Pro Package, flip macro diopter. $3,600
3. Olympus E-PL10 Backscatter package with wet lens package (macro and wide). $2,900
If I were not already shooting Sony, the Olympus package would have been my choice for sure. But If I went with the Olympus camera system and I wanted to upgrade I would have to buy a dedicated wide angle setup and a dedicated macro setup (lenses and ports). I did not what to have two different lens mount systems. I wanted to stick to one lens mount so I could interchange my lenses on the different camera bodies. So I ruled out Olympus.
The RX100VII was very appealing because the size of the camera. The best camera is the camera you have with you. So if I had a camera I could carry in my pocket then the RX100 is the best camera because I would be more willing to carry around a compact with me all the time. But it's still only a 1 inch sensor. I really wanted a system I could build on and use the lenses I already had. So I ruled out the RX100.
The A6400 seem to be the sweet spot. Larger sensor, E lens mount system, compact size for travel and room to grow. I had all the items in my online shopping cart, was about to hit the "Buy" button, then I chickened out. I just couldn't justify the expense right now. I started thinking about what I was trying to achieve and whether new camera gear would accomplish it. I decided that what I needed to do first is get out and dive more with the gear I already have and improve my skills and technique first. Then once my skills advanced beyond my equipments capacity then I would upgrade to my dream system. So maybe in a couple years I will be better positioned to get high end equipment and take my photography to the next level.
I did purchase some upgrades to my TG-5 setup. I got a bayonet mounting system for my wet wide angle lens and a way to mount the lens on one of my strobe arms. I found that removing the lens underwater was a hassle so a quick release system would make it easier to shoot wide angle and macro on the same dive. I also got the LCD magnifier to help me with my aging eyes.
In a couple years when I'm ready to upgrade I think I know what I'll get. I've been looking at the new Sony A7C. It's the new full frame compact camera. I think Nauticam is coming out with a housing for it soon. And maybe they'll have a port system for my new FE 20mm f/1.8 G lens for wide angle and I've been wanting to get the 90mm macro lens too. That to me would be the ultimate setup. Full Frame camera system the size of a APS-C camera system.
I will post an update after I get back from my dive trip to Hood Canal in a couple weeks. Hopefully I'll get my new parts by then.