Recently, I've bought a Scubapro MK20 S600 regulator.
I went to the Red Sea for diving holidays and used it in for about 20 dives in a row. After that, I've washed it with fresh water and stored it for a couple of weeks. All diving there was done with aluminium cilinders.
This weekend I went for a single dive near home. In Portugal we usually use steel tanks. I've rented tank and air from a Scuba center, got in the water and felt that the reg was too heavy and weird. I've stayed in the water for 45 minutes and completed the dive.
Back on shore, I've noticed that the filter was full of red rust. I couldn't tell if it was like that before I went into the water and I couldn't check the tank because it was already stored.
Scubapro assistance (by phone) tells me that this thing has to come from the cilinder and I've seen somewhere in the internet that red rust only appears from the steel cilinders.
Can anyone confirm this relation (red rust - steel cilinder)?
Can I claim full responsibility near the dive center?
Recently, I've bought a Scubapro MK20 S600 regulator.
I went to the Red Sea for diving holidays and used it in for about 20 dives in a row. After that, I've washed it with fresh water and stored it for a couple of weeks. All diving there was done with aluminium cilinders.
This weekend I went for a single dive near home. In Portugal we usually use steel tanks. I've rented tank and air from a Scuba center, got in the water and felt that the reg was too heavy and weird. I've stayed in the water for 45 minutes and completed the dive.
Back on shore, I've noticed that the filter was full of red rust. I couldn't tell if it was like that before I went into the water and I couldn't check the tank because it was already stored.
Scubapro assistance (by phone) tells me that this thing has to come from the cilinder and I've seen somewhere in the internet that red rust only appears from the steel cilinders.
Can anyone confirm this relation (red rust - steel cilinder)?
Can I claim full responsibility near the dive center?