rules of the river

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Reaction score
Northern Illinois
# of dives
200 - 499
Hello, I'm interested in doing some diving in our local river. I'm AOW with about 100 dives, none of witch river. I did grow up in this river town and spent lots of time in the river. I've done some lake clean ups lately and pretty interested in that effort as well as finding "stuff". I love the challange of very low visibility. My question is "what are the rules as far as property rights etc. Is water around a dock private property? Can a property owner regulate the river along his frontage? Are their people at this site who do this on a regular basis. Thank you for any thoughts, John
I'm not sure but I would contact a park ranger/water patrol to get the right answer.

Usually it depends on the width of the water to be able to regulate frontage.

Around docks is something I don't know. I imagine the property owner can but not sure.
Hello, I'm interested in doing some diving in our local river.

What river are you looking at? I'm looking for a buddy to tool around some of the strip mines south of Chanohan/Joliet.

I've canoed alot of the rivers around the north end of the state, entry and exit points require public land or landowner permission. Once you're in the water its state property (As long as its not flooded into someone's field obviously).

If you're diving something big enough to have boat traffic, please TAKE A FLAG, the life you save would be your own.
What river are you looking at? I'm looking for a buddy to tool around some of the strip mines south of Chanohan/Joliet.

Let me know what you have planned. That sounds like fun.

Let me know what you have planned. That sounds like fun.


If you take the 129 exit off 55 south and go left at the first stop sign (where that little bar is) its called "strip mine road" and there is an abandoned strip mine that is now Will County park. I fished it with a buddy, depths beyond 60 ft and clearest water I've seen in the state.
That sounds cool and I'm game. Any idea about premissions needed to splash in there?


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