This year I'll take classes in using stage & deco bottles. Are rotating turrets helpful for stage & deco regs?
It is kind of a personal preference thing. Kind of like how some people like flip flops other like sandals but in the end the both work and your not really going to notice much of a difference.
Personally I like having the rotating turret as it allows the hoses to lay flatter against the tank. But some hate having the rotating turret because it does just that, it rotates and they just prefer to have a fixed hose position. Between my dive buddies I would say 70% prefer swivel and 30% prefer fixed. But like is said in the end either will work and honestly I have dove with both and for stages/BO you will not notice a difference
The only advantage of having rotating turrets is your regs are more versatile. For example if you want to use them for sidemount diving.
yes and no. I wouldn't go out of my way to seek them, but if your backgas regs are turrets then there is a benefit to keeping everything identical. I would worry more about service and keeping everything easy to deal with. Most of mine are Poseidon 3960's because I have a box of them as I started replacing them with Deep6 Signatures, but if I had Deep6 Signatures and nothing else then I would stay with that same regulator for stage/deco because it makes service easier. Everything can move around as necessary.
Spot on, this is way more important. I think this is way most usually end up with swivels turrets because there back gas or sidemount regs are swivel. I know for me this is how I ended up going down that rabbit hole and ended up with 8 DST's but also have a couple DS4's. Matching your gear to keep things simple is much more valuable then the minor difference between fixed vs. swivel for a satge.