Rookie(s) from Upstate NY

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Reaction score
Northeast USA
# of dives
500 - 999

My buddy and I just got certified (PADI), Lake George being our nearest playground. I have no prior experience re: diving but had great time with class, check-outs and am comfortable with water. Since buddy’s ear infection is clearing out we are planning to get into a regular timetable of diving about every weekend. Will mostly dive locally from shore.

We are both relatively new to the area and neither knows divers/many people here, excluding of course our instructor (recommended) and a couple of young blokes (neither of those words classifying us too well btw) from class who have slightly different interests than us. Would be great to hear where people hang around, and especially about other shore entry points suitable for beginners. Our check-outs were from boat but I browsed some old posts and found a few suggestions. This far we have been to Hearthstone once, and Rogers Rock is on the list.

Since I am quite sure this is going to be my thing, I have begun getting rid off my money and purchasing gear (rubbers, regulator, gauges this far). However, local options for viewing/trying especially BCs have been (extremely) frustrating – or did we miss something you all know about? If anyone has any suggestions were to get to try something else than what everybody seems to have (Seaquest), boy would that be great. We have no plans to tech dive ‘seriously’ and especially no plans to haul two tanks on our backs. Despite some opposite ‘advice’, I have a keen investigation going on about systems like Dive Rite's Transpac to retain some freedom of movement. I’ve heard some ‘rumours’ on this board that I might not be forbidden to consider even a bp from the beginning but I have some back issues and would like to hear/see a bit more. I’ve only had one chance to throw bp on my back (on dry land), and I was quite amazed it didn’t feel awful (I dive in 7mm jumpsuit and will buy steel tank, most likely 80cf).

OK, before getting into my frenzied purchase ponderings I stop here, and say that I wouldn’t mind bumping into some locals or locals who also use eg the Transpac, Besea, ‘softer’ bp/w setups or something functional/back-friendly or just plain old great systems for rec divers that they could give first hand feedback on. And not to be so area-restrictive in this mail – didn’t mean not to say hi to others too and welcome any pointers from everyone! I have already found so much valuable info and hints on the board these couple of weeks I have browsed.
Now, let’s see if I did do something to get flamed, and excuse my stiff and long-winded English, I am aware it is not quite the smooth American version ;)

Hi piikki, welcome to Scubaboard and let me be the first to flame you :furious:
Nice first post, I'm glad you got that off your chest. Being from the other coast I can't help you out about dive sites, but being from this site and can warn you about a bloke in your area who goes by the name of Lil' Irish Temper, watch out for him. :D
I live in Albany.. I'll give you the hookup :D

I have a spare bp/wing rig you're welcome to dive. In fact, if you want to get out some time next week to do an evening dive (say 6 pm) in Lake George I'd be happy to talk scuba with you, show you the gear I use, etc. What do you think?
but being from this site and can warn you about a bloke in your area who goes by the name of Lil' Irish Temper, watch out for him. :D

He's to far east for me to traumatize, I try to screw-up everyone west of Buffalo.

Welcome to ScubaBoard.
Hi Pikki and welcome! I also dive in Lake George almost every weekend, you can usually find me at Hearthstone but I can also be found at Fort Ann beach on the other side and up at Rogers Rock as well. Rogers Rock has some really nice diving if you go out between the mainland the little island. Surface swim out to it and be prepared to literally crawl thru the rocks to the other side but then it opens up to some really nice diving with huge underwater boulders all fallen down the side of the mountain. I'd be happy to dive with you just let me know.
I also went thru the BC issues you are going thru and now I deal almost exclusively with a LDS in Glens Falls as they tend to have a better selection ad will work with you to make sure you get what is best for you not just what they prefer to sell. They will also work with you to give you some great prices. If you are interested in contact info just PM me.
BTW, in case you did not see, at Hearthstone there is a small airplane out there as well as a station wagon and a boat. Also a 100' line at 15' depth.
lorien, any chance you're up for an evening dive next week? Maybe Wednesday? ;)

... And not to be so area-restrictive in this mail – didn’t mean not to say hi to others too and welcome any pointers from everyone! I have already found so much valuable info and hints on the board these couple of weeks I have browsed.
Now, let’s see if I did do something to get flamed, and excuse my stiff and long-winded English, I am aware it is not quite the smooth American version ;)

Hiya!- Welcome to SB! You did a fine job. More in your intro than most and that's a good thing. You'll get some suggestions, I'm sure of it. Enjoy your new adventures in diving and be safe!
Now, let’s see if I did do something to get flamed, and excuse my stiff and long-winded English, I am aware it is not quite the smooth American version

Hehe, is that how we are? Okee dokee :ignore:

I guess you have discovered our extensive equipment forums, but if not - take a look or PM me for directions.

Looks like you got a couple of good dive buddy offers there. Good show. If you ever want to dive Santa Rosa NM, let me know....

:shades: don

And wow, two offers for a dive on the first go! Thanks for the welcome everyone!

Jon(ny??), thanks very much for the invite – you would even let me/us mess up with your stuff? (You would get two women to deal with in one hit, can you manage that?) That’s more than I was expecting, was kinda hoping to maybe touch someone’s stuff or don it on the beach if I behaved real nice.

I just noticed next week is July 4th, so I guess that means Monday will not be good for you. That would have worked for us but the rest of the week is not good for me (sister visiting from other side of the Atlantic, so I don’t want to ‘hook up’ too much). You get enough light going after 6pm at Lake George? (We sure have not done any night/dark dives – planning to do AOW in the end of the summer).

Lorien, thanks for the offer of company too. Do you usually dive with your own buddy only or go out with groups or say – two rookies with/without your buddy? Would be cool to join a pair or a small group (no interest for class size mess) on a relaxed dive somewhere around Lake George. We did hear there are sunken vehicles at Hearthstone but the only time we went we experienced severe rental gear malfunctions and had to stay very shallow for safety. Barring thunder we will be at Hearthstone this weekend for a new go.

About Glens Falls shop – do you know if the shop has any try-it-before-you-buy-it -type of things going on Lorien? I do not even want to ask anymore, shops around here are not like somewhere where they have their own pools etc. I have gotten some pretty nasty answers even when I called just to ask what shops have in stock (like I would drive 4hrs not knowing if my stuff/sizes are in…) Guess it is the internet curse…

Anyhow, hope to see you guys sometime soon if next week won't work.


P.S. Don - would love to make my first visit to NM be scuba-themed

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