Rodales, Scuba Diving and ScubaPro

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Scuba Instructor
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Somehow, I managed to get on a list at Scuba Diving so that I get their magazine even though I've never subscribed and even though they keep telling me I won't get anymore unless I do susbscribe...

So yesterday, I decide to pick up the June and July issues that have been sitting on my desk for a while and thumb through them.

First thing I notice is a letter to the editor in the June issue. It's from someone at ScubaPro explaining why they don't want Scuba Diving to review their products (for those that don't know they asked them to stop the reviews a while back).

Basicly the letter does eveything it can to say that the reviews are not impartial without actually making an accusation.

Next thing I see is that Rodales has sold Scuba Diving to another company. Don't worry, it says we'll get the same quality we always have (take from that what you will...).

So then I flip through the July issue and see a review of a Scuba Pro reg. What gives? Anyone know why the change of heart? Has the new company said they don't care what ScubaPro wants, they'll review what they like? Has ScubaPro decided to give the new company a chance? Inquiring minds want to know...
James Goddard:
So then I flip through the July issue and see a review of a Scuba Pro reg. What gives? Anyone know why the change of heart? Has the new company said they don't care what ScubaPro wants, they'll review what they like? Has ScubaPro decided to give the new company a chance? Inquiring minds want to know...

I believe the answer is a complicated simplification of what is partially wrong with society as a whole.
The magazine asks the manufacturers for gear to be tested, and if the manufacturer doesn't want to provide gear, then it is not included, UNLESS it is considered to be an imortant enough manufacturer, then the magazine will go buy the item off the shelf and test it anyway.
If I recall correctly, it states in the article that they went out and bought the regs to review.

I saw that article. It says they bought a SP reg randomly at a local dive shop.
Ahh, I guess that's what I get for just "flipping through"...
IMHO reviews should be conducted with randomly purchased off the shelf product instead of product provided by the manufacturer. Of course that increases costs, but such product could then be re-sold to recover some of that cost.


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