Based on all you've written, I think you nailed this and have a great plan. There's nothing wrong with the food at Ernesto's or Casa del Mar, and they couldn't be more convenient. Same with Paprika though I understand it's closed. The menu (tiny) on the Facebook page for Tikila is an easy couple of lunches. Bonus? At Ernesto's or Tikila you're dining oceanside.
Like you said, you can try this and if it works, great, if not you can dial it in next time.
I suspect the day is gonna come that you'll walk off the boat at about noonish, deal with your stuff and walk straight into Ernesto's, which is right next to Scuba Shack. 35 feet? You're going to sit down, order whatever you order and it's going to be delicious and relaxing and beautiful.
I'm hoping you write a review when you get back. It will be very interesting to hear how it worked out.