Wow , this thread has some great opinions on both sides . My own experience on Bonaire , a total of 4 weeks , it is pretty damn good .
There are opportunistic thieves that roam the island at random . I have stuck to the standard of windows down , doors unlocked , if I want it take it with me . Use a dive light housing , remove battery and bulb and put your wallet , passport , cell phone in there and clip it on to your gear .
Yes , my vehicle has been gone over at least once that I know of . They took a copy of Shore Diving by Susan which was not working well post hurricane anyway .
If you go for lunch take your gear with you or park next to where you are dining and be prepared to run if a hit occurs .
My gear would get stolen here at home if I left it in the back of my truck and disappeared for lunch . No problem , I am not looking for Utopia , I just want to dive.
Those that know me know that my worst experience on Bonaire was an encounter with a dengue carrying skeeter , that can happen anywhere tropical .
The bottom line for Bonaire , If you boat dive go somewhere else where you can store your gear in a 5 star hotel and enjoy your boat dives.
If you want to get up in the morning when you want , go diving when and where you want , dive your profile how you want . Do your off gas interval however long you want . Go for a break when you want . etc etc Bonaire is the only place I know where that happens , except for here at home where the water temp is a balmy 44 degrees fahrenheit