Roatan in December

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Seattle, WA USA
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200 - 499
Interested in diving in Roatan but the ideal time is late December/January. Wondering about conditions that time of year. We’re already aware that is a busy time there but are mostly concerned with getting shut out should there be some wind/waves.

We have dove Cozumel during the same time and have been pretty lucky but if the wind picks up there (as can happen in the winter) the diving gets completely shut down. This is for a few reasons that might be unique to Cozumel so I wonder if the same or similar can happen in Roatan.

Thanks for any insight!
Hi @SeaHorist. Diving in Roatan rarely "gets completely shut down", even during the rainy season. The geography of the island makes it so that when the (usually) calm West End / West Bay area is rough then the south side is (usually) quite a bit calmer. Even with relatively strong trade winds from the east (making the south side choppy) the island shelters West End and West Bay. The rainy season makes the weather more unpredictable than usual but many dive shops have made arrangements for docking privileges on both sides specifically to prevent them being "shut out" due to weather. It's not impossible for the weather to be such that it isn't safe for the boats to be out on either side, but it's uncommon.

"Rainy season" on Roatan does not ("usually", I know I'm saying that a lot) mean that it rains all day every day - it just means the four months from Oct - Jan are when Roatan gets about 2/3 of its annual rainfall, on average. Much of it happens at night (as posted above) and the early morning. We were there last December (first half of the month) and there were some truly miserable days with cold (by my admittedly tropical standards), rainy, windy conditions on the west side and even relatively rough water on the south side, but our operator ran anyway (transporting two small boatloads of us by bus from West Bay to the south side at their expense) and even though the surface conditions were miserable those three days the dives were amazing.

Check in advance with the dive op you are thinking of going with to see if they can do that, though. The weather on the island between October and January is a bit of a dice roll...
I'll second Ocean Encounters. We just dove with them a couple of weeks ago. Very good team, with the one caveat that they like to pack their dive boats. They had 22 divers on each of two dive boats(!). They handled it very well but you need to allow for that if you're not into higher density diving.
Interested in diving in Roatan but the ideal time is late December/January. Wondering about conditions that time of year. We’re already aware that is a busy time there but are mostly concerned with getting shut out should there be some wind/waves.

We have dove Cozumel during the same time and have been pretty lucky but if the wind picks up there (as can happen in the winter) the diving gets completely shut down. This is for a few reasons that might be unique to Cozumel so I wonder if the same or similar can happen in Roatan.

Thanks for any insight!
Hi SeaHorist,

Conditions can be more variable in the winter. The winds are sometimes stronger, and it’s not uncommon for rain to make an appearance. Despite this, the diving conditions remain excellent. Visibility can be affected by rain, but it rarely lasts long. You can dive in Roatan year-round (both winter and summer), but it's important to know that winter conditions can be a bit more turbulent.

When conditions are too poor on one side of the island, we can dive on the other side (for example, dive activities are mainly concentrated in the northwest, but when conditions there aren’t suitable, we dive on the south side). It’s very rare for boats not to go out.

Most of the time, conditions are very favorable, and there are often very few waves on the northwest side. However, in winter, you should also be prepared for conditions to change quickly.

I can provide more details if you're interested in diving in Roatan.
Spent 2 weeks at Coco View Resort. Total waste of money. Sparse, immature fish, tons of plastic in the water, poor visibility, and really "boy scout camp" food. The airport is a nightmare and you couldn't pay me enough to go back. I even won a chance at a free trip and tossed the ticket.
Hi Kharon,

It's unfortunate when people have a bad experience during their stay. If you visited in the winter, visibility can be reduced due to rain and strong winds, which often brings debris to that side of the island, unfortunately.

If you ever reconsider the island and want to give it a second chance for a different experience than an all-inclusive like CocoView, I’d be happy to provide some recommendations.

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