Roatan in December

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Reaction score
Seattle, WA USA
# of dives
200 - 499
Interested in diving in Roatan but the ideal time is late December/January. Wondering about conditions that time of year. We’re already aware that is a busy time there but are mostly concerned with getting shut out should there be some wind/waves.

We have dove Cozumel during the same time and have been pretty lucky but if the wind picks up there (as can happen in the winter) the diving gets completely shut down. This is for a few reasons that might be unique to Cozumel so I wonder if the same or similar can happen in Roatan.

Thanks for any insight!
I have been to Roatan for the last 3 years the first week of January on the Aggressor boat. Wind and/or rain can affect conditions. Rain can reduce vis where wind affects surface conditions. The boat has been great at selecting dive sites to help minimize affects on diving.

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