"Call it" yet!
Tenkiller is where I was supposed to do my OW check-out but had a cold and had to do it in Coz later...that was disapointing. My first instuctor used to take his classes up there all the time, will check with him on sites. One place had a "wall" descent that ended up at a cave at about 75 feet. Will get with him about dive sites.
I've only dove Broken Bow lake once, and it was about 12-15 vis down to about 30ft., thermo at 25ft. When I was up there doing the cabin renting thing a few weeks ago I stopped by the dive shop and was told about a couple of more shore dive spots. There are also more sites that are accessible by boat. Will have to get a map of the lake and go back to pinpoint the boat sites. Air fills are available at about $8 I think, and tank returns after hours are not a problem, a convenience store at the lake takes them and the shop picks them up the next day. I would like to get more familiar with the lake and do some spearfishing for catfish.

Tenkiller is where I was supposed to do my OW check-out but had a cold and had to do it in Coz later...that was disapointing. My first instuctor used to take his classes up there all the time, will check with him on sites. One place had a "wall" descent that ended up at a cave at about 75 feet. Will get with him about dive sites.
I've only dove Broken Bow lake once, and it was about 12-15 vis down to about 30ft., thermo at 25ft. When I was up there doing the cabin renting thing a few weeks ago I stopped by the dive shop and was told about a couple of more shore dive spots. There are also more sites that are accessible by boat. Will have to get a map of the lake and go back to pinpoint the boat sites. Air fills are available at about $8 I think, and tank returns after hours are not a problem, a convenience store at the lake takes them and the shop picks them up the next day. I would like to get more familiar with the lake and do some spearfishing for catfish.