I have found divers who were fun filled free spirited and some of the most pleasant people you could ever want to dive with. And then once they obtained their divemaster they just seemed to become cold hearted self centered people. I am not saying everyone is like that but alot of times people think because they passed a physics exam and some water skills they are Gods of the waters. This in itself I think contributes to so many accidents as it turns students attention span into the mind set of just do what I have to do to pass the course and Ill never look back.
With poor instructors who are self centered (And divemasters too) they dont promote a good learning atmosphere and students are often just to eager to get away from the instructor that they just wont ask questions they really have a need for answers too.
I think if instructors promoted an awesome I love to dive attitude and always had enthusiasm in their voice, plus did not spend half the class telling you not to buy from the internet or shop B down the road or you may die then alot of students would approach the sport more open minded and be willing to ask questions and be willing to seek out more training.
As it stands now if you buy from the internet you get banned from a lot of Local dive shops, If you buy from the competitor no matter what you bought is junk and if the competitor trained you then you are going to die because hes a bad instructor mentality is forcing alot of people to take risk on dives they are really not prepared for but dont want to get back into the cat fights to get the proper training for.
With poor instructors who are self centered (And divemasters too) they dont promote a good learning atmosphere and students are often just to eager to get away from the instructor that they just wont ask questions they really have a need for answers too.
I think if instructors promoted an awesome I love to dive attitude and always had enthusiasm in their voice, plus did not spend half the class telling you not to buy from the internet or shop B down the road or you may die then alot of students would approach the sport more open minded and be willing to ask questions and be willing to seek out more training.
As it stands now if you buy from the internet you get banned from a lot of Local dive shops, If you buy from the competitor no matter what you bought is junk and if the competitor trained you then you are going to die because hes a bad instructor mentality is forcing alot of people to take risk on dives they are really not prepared for but dont want to get back into the cat fights to get the proper training for.