RIP Seaspace

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
# of dives
500 - 999
No Seaspace in 2008

This came from the Diversnewswire service....

The SEASPACE Board of Directors wishes to thank the exhibitors, staff and volunteers who have supported our ongoing efforts. After careful consideration, rather than staging a commercial-booth show in 2008, SEASPACE is seeking other means of advancing its mission of marine environmental education and youth outreach.

Founded in 1969 by members of the Houston Underwater Club, SEASPACE has a long and storied history of service to the dive community. While other consumer dive shows operate as commercial endeavors, SEASPACE is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. In addition to staging an exciting, annual scuba diving exposition, SEASPACE’s mission has been to focus on marine environmental education, with a concerted and ongoing outreach to youth.

As of 2007, SEASPACE’s Scholarship and Grants program has funded more than $520,000 in scholarships to students of the marine sciences and monetary awards to organizations involved in marine preservation projects. A SEASPACE Permanent Education Fund has been established, so as to enable the continuation of these awards for years to come.

SEASPACE wishes to express its profound appreciation to the exhibitors who have supported the show over the years, and made these financial commitments possible. Likewise, we wish to thank the hard-working staff and hundreds of volunteers who have made SEASPACE what our exhibitors tell us is the best organized, and friendliest, consumer dive show in the country.

Over the past decade, the SEASPACE Board of Directors has noted that times are changing for consumer and trade show events. With the proliferation of instant communication via the Internet, and television specials that can trump most any independent underwater film festival, the validity and imperative of staging an annual exposition may be on the wane.

After careful consideration, the SEASPACE Board of Directors has elected not to schedule a commercial booth-concentric exposition in 2008. Rather, SEASPACE is actively seeking avenues to continue its outreach and scholarship activities by other means. More information will be provided as plans progress, and the input of interested parties is welcomed.
I hate to see it go. Sure, there were many areas that needed to improve, many changes were in order due to complaints that it had become little more than promo for dive resorts, many preferred the former Hyatt venue, but I didn't expect this. It may not have been as big or interesting as shows in the past but I certainly didn't think it needed to be killed. It helped bring regional divers together and will be missed.
We have an HUC board meeting next week. I guess I will get the full details then.
unfortunately just goes to show the mentality of those in charge? Knee-jerk reactions and overkill??? Was it just for the money for scholarships or for the whole Dive community at large, to promote awarness/education/sales/comradere/etc....
Improve it-don't destroy it.
This makes me think they couldn't/wouldn't change with the times.
IMO it got too expensive and they "drove" away much of their exhibitors.
The day and age of the internet is here and is largely fueled by the consumer. When local dive shops are needed to support the show and there sales are lagging then it hurts throughout the industry from suppliers, manufacturers, non-profit groups, conservation groups, etc.. Is it up to the consumer, supplier, or manufacturer,to support a show like this? All three? I unfortunately do not have the answer to this but I do see a significant trend throughout the industry, mainly because I sleep, eat and breathe the business on a daily basis.
How will Seaspace promote their conservation, grants, scholarships? Will they go to the dive shop?, the online scuba shops?, the manufacturer's?, the supplier's? , to ask for their help and support?
Most people boil the age old internet VS dive shop down to who will supply their's much deeper than that. Who will support conservation efforts? training? travel? dive shows? If people are moving away from the local dive shop why aren't they supporting a show like Seaspace? Ahhhh that's right you need the dive shop to come out and put a booth up or two. You need the supplier....Who supports the dive shop, the supplier, etc? Ahhhhh the consumer......It's a vicious circle.

I did not go this year based on cost of the booth and travel expenses.
Bummer. But not totally unexpected, I guess. Glad I made it this year, but I knew I wasn't going back next year unless I could anticipate some changes.

Suicide is easier than corrective action, I guess...
I have been attending every year since the 80's....watched it slowly fade away and will miss seeing friends from the different islands that I have made over the years...I agree the internet has done some damage in the industry...just like walmart did to the mom and pop businesses....:shakehead.... maybe it will rise again
This is not a surprise to me really, but I am sorry that Seaspace did not survive. We had some great times going to the show in the 90s, but I have not been since they moved out of downtown.
Since this year was my first experience with Seaspace, I really didn't know what to expect. I'm sorry to see it go, although most of it was of little interest to me.

Maybe it will be back and better than ever in later years?
unfortunately just goes to show the mentality of those in charge? Knee-jerk reactions and overkill??? Was it just for the money for scholarships or for the whole Dive community at large, to promote awarness/education/sales/comradere/etc....
Improve it-don't destroy it.
This makes me think they couldn't/wouldn't change with the times.
IMO it got too expensive and they "drove" away much of their exhibitors.

Before blasting those in charge, keep in mind that the people on the board of Seaspace are all successful business people. I doubt this was a knee jerk reaction. Until I hear the full story from them, I am reserving judgment.

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