Here are some photos of how I set up my Nauticam NA6400 rig with two Inon strobes, four eight inch (200cm) arms and a single bayonet caddy. Please feel free to jump in with photos and explanations that might be helpful to others, more than one way to skin a cat(fish)

I do not normally carry the Nauticam WWL-1 in the bottom caddy but I do carry the CMC macro lens in that position. Usually I do not combine WA and macro in the same dive but I would shoot flat port and macro in the same dive and thus use the bayonet caddy:
I use the white handle lanyard for handoffs to the crew and general carry. I may also unclip one end and attach to my chest D-rings, the camera also being secured to my crotch ring with either the coil lanyard and the short blue lanyard. The coil lanyard is ALWAYS attached to me at the crotch D ring. Once in the water I remove the white lanyard, clip it to itself and then to my right chest D-ring:
When using the WWL-1, I always have the cover on the lens going in and coming out. Once in the water I remove the cover and clip it off to my crotch D-ring. It has ridden there for hundreds of dives with no issue and I never notice it there. And you might notice the yellow double line clipped to the housing, that line goes directly to the (expensive) WWL-1 and it is always clipped off in use to prevent my lens from going off on it's own adventure (as has happened):
Getting in and out of the water or when toting the rig about the bolt snaps at the middle clamps are snapped together and the bungee loop on both strobes is snapped over the inner clamp butterfly. This compacts the rig and keeps the arms and strobes from flailing about even if I jump in from a pier (not advisable but sometimes there is not a choice).
In an emergency where I may need to move fast and have my hands free, I clip the two bolt snaps at the center clamps to my left and right chest D-rings and the short blue lanyard goes to the crotch D-ring. This makes for a very stable and secure attachment to myself. During a deco or a brief need for use of both hands, I will just snap the white lanyard to one arm center clamp and my right chest D-ring and leaving the always attached coil lanyard to my crotch D-ring, I can let the rig hang well out of my way.
My CMC macro lens on the port and a focus light mounted on the housing:
It takes me about 30 seconds to open the rig for action (not including burping the lens, another 30 seconds) and then to secure at the end of the dive in reverse.
1. Unclip the white lanyard handle, clip to itself and then to my right chest D-ring and turn on camera.
2. Unclip the center arms bolt snaps.
3. Snap over the bungee loops to free the strobes and turn the strobes on.
4. Spread the arms to cruising "M" positions.
5. Remove (WWL-1) lens cover and clip to crotch D-ring and burp accessory lens.
6. Test shot for initial settings and Ops check and go!
7. Reverse coming out.