Rib Boats

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Reaction score
Monticello, Ms
# of dives
100 - 199
I'm toying with the idea of buying a Rib Boat. I've owned boats all my life, but never a saltwater boat like this. I'm looking at a 20' to 24' boat with 200 hp to a 225 hp motor. They look like they are easy to clean after saltwater dives. All I'm going to use this boat for is saltwater diving in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida. What I need is imput on brands and the pro's and con's of these boats. Any help folks......Thanks, Bob
The 20-24' range has a few options. It all depends on how much money you want to spend. Depending on how many goodies you want on board and how much custom stuff. I helped my cousin spec out an Zodiac Explorer 730 rigged for diving and nice dose of electronics and custom dive stuff. It would have come in just under $40k USD.

RIB hulls are either Fiberglass or Aluminum the latter more expensive, heavy and infinitely durable.

RIB tubes are typically Hypalon, PVC, and a few other materials specific to manufactures. The best boats use Hypalon or equivlent.

RIB power. An aluminum boat can be much heavier and will require more power. Also if you are going offshore common practice is to have twins with separate fuel systems. You lose out on weight, and fuel economy but the separate systems make for good safety factor offshore.

RIB for diving: Avoid boats with a lot of molded features get a boat that is as open as possible.

Boats generally available in the US

Zodiac boats:
-Explorer 730 light duty less $$ lightweight 150 hp is all you really need. (This boat is the best bang for your buck.) Everything will be slightly to extremely more expensive.
-hurricane, military series and pro-open are more money but have better tube material and better construction. Also a lot more money.

I haven't looked at there model line recently but they will generally follow the same model. Most of their models have a lot of molded stuff in the cockpit. Takes up too much room.

Polaris: (Langley, BC)
These guys make a top line boat for prices in between the expensive european boat and a zodiac. http://www.polarisboats.com/p/boats.htm The owner is a very knowledgable RIB guy. It is worth the phone call to chat with him about what you want.

Other manufactures:
There are dozens of other boats around the world and some are imported into the US. Most of these boats are at least twice as expensive as the explorer DB. They are arguably twice the boat as well. Most of them make really sweet open boats as well as very fancy yacht tenders. Pretty much add $20k plus for anything other than Zodiac or Avon for a boat in the category you are looking.

Send me a PM and I can forward a dozen or so links. I can also send you pics I have received from manufactures of their boats tricked out for diving.

Also log into the http://www.rib.net/forum/ This is a great resource for all things RIB. The folks on the forum have been infinately helpful on many things.


Attached is a pic of an Explorer 730 rigged by a great shop on Van Isl.

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