Pardon me if this is not the right forum for this --
Some background - Having a student injured or dead must (?) be at least as hard on the instructor / DM as a squad or platoon leader losing a soldier / sailor / airman in battle. The military has a very clear, structured way of counseling for the troops and leadership involved as well as family support groups.
What is there for the instructor / DM / dive op folks? I didn't think it appropriate to question DAN on this, but do they have recommendations? This is tough stuff!
The instructor was devastated by this and I hope we will all respect her need for privacy at this point. IMHO, she is a very competent SCUBA professional who deeply cares for her students.
Pardon me if this is not the right forum for this --
Some background - Having a student injured or dead must (?) be at least as hard on the instructor / DM as a squad or platoon leader losing a soldier / sailor / airman in battle. The military has a very clear, structured way of counseling for the troops and leadership involved as well as family support groups.
What is there for the instructor / DM / dive op folks? I didn't think it appropriate to question DAN on this, but do they have recommendations? This is tough stuff!