Resort Divers CR

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Reaction score
The Shwa
# of dives
200 - 499
Has anyone used Resort Divers which is based out of The Fiesta Premier Resort and Spa in Costa Rica. We're going in Feb. and I'm just looking for any feed back regarding this perticular Dive Operator , I've seen feedback about, Rich Coast, Diving Safaris, Bill Beards and a couple of others.

Any feedback regarding Resort Divers would be appreciated.
I went diving with them April 2005 and find their operation very good and they have good price too! They have 4 boats in good condition, they know the dive spots very well. The DM are good too, spotting things quickly and go with the flow. The Fiesta Premier would be my choice if I'd go back..very nice hotel!! Resort Divers will take your equipement on the first day and give it back at the end, rinsing and taking care of your stuff carefully. Your tank will be set every morning on the boat ready for you! That's what I call vacation!!

If you see Sergio,my DM, say Hi! from Pascal and Shanie !

Have a good trip!

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