Just an update about this, in case anyone like me wants to do this;
Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to change the valves of the BCD since ScubaPro uses a different diameter than others. So I have to live with the bulky valves my BCD has. However, I managed to change the inflator head and the corrugated inflator hose. Those used the standard 1inch diameter(25.5mm) so I had many brands/models to choose from. (but be careful some brands like Hydpro are using 22.5mm so those won't fit).
In case you are curious, I used OMS corrugated hose(33cm) and an Xdeep Inflator head(K style). Using these allowed me to use 2 zip ties at both ends, ensuring a secure fit, if compared to a single zip tie.
When I took the original inflator head off, I saw there was no cable, but instead, Scubapro used a specially designed plastic piece with a series of holes on it (a genius design I must say). The pin, which fastened it to the inflator head, was going through the last whole of the plastic piece.
I was replacing the hose with a shorter one, so I needed to shorten the plastic piece and it needed to have a hole matching my hose length (if there was no matching hole then I needed to replace the plastic piece with a steel cable, which I am not sure if it would be possible to do). Luckily, it worked and I didn't even have to cut the plastic piece. I was able to bend it and some of it holes aligned perfectly at the length of my hose, so I was able to put the pin through those. So I didn't have to cut anything. I now can even go back using a longer hose later if I want to.
The only real problem I faced was the pin used to hold the dump cable(plastic piece), was a bit bigger than the holes on the Xdeep Inflator head. So I had to drill to make the pin holes on the inflator head a bit larger.
I also purchased some low profile zip ties, but they were 1-2 mm wider than the tracks the OMS hose had, so I had to use ordinary zip ties. After I cut the zip ties, the ends were quite sharp, I made sure those didn't touch the bcd and also smoothed them out with a fine file.
I did a few dives with it and it is perfect. Way more intuitive than the ScubaPro BPI and with similar performance.
Thank you for everyone with useful inputs. I probably wouldn't have attempted to do this without the help from the board.
By the way, I now have like new ScubaPro BPI and hose for sale

If anyone interested, I am in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Price is € 75.