Replacing drysuit neoprene seals with latex

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London Ontario
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100 - 199
I have a Bare drysuit with neoprene seals and I would like to switch them out for latex. Are there any online instructions for how to go about doing this? Not sure how to remove the old seals and what should be the best glue to use for the new seals. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

There are video's all over youtube for this. I would by the adhesive tape and finishing tape. aquaseal would need chemicals to take off. Don't know which drysuit you have, but if it the HDC expedition, you will have better luck gluing to the inside of the sleeve.

Dry Adhesive Drysuit Tape
All of the videos I've found on YouTube show replacing latex with latex. I haven't been able to find anything specific for neoprene to latex. I'm looking for instructions on removing the neoprene seals. Do you cut the wrist seals below or above the stitching? How do you remove to neck seal? Is there any preparation you need to do to the neoprene?

The suit is a Bare Supradry.

Im not sure about the neoprene. if you want to take it all the way down, get a seamstress seam ripper. or a razor blade to cut threads. personally, I would trim it down and then glue latex seal under the neoprene
I saw this old post and was wondering if anyone has replaced their neoprene seals with latex. I am planning on doing it to my DUI and some advise from someone who has been doing this retrofit would be helpful. Thanks
There is a
I saw this old post and was wondering if anyone has replaced their neoprene seals with latex. I am planning on doing it to my DUI and some advise from someone who has been doing this retrofit would be helpful. Thanks
There is a 57 second YouTube video in Spanish caption. Looks like he left a bit of the neoprene seal behind and glued the latex seals over those remaining portions. I can’t copy the link for some reason.
I tried looking in youtube but did not find that one. I will look again. I already cut the old neoprene seals off and tried to glue the new latex seals on. I applied two coats of neoprene cement to the cuff and seal and glued them in place but it seeps badly when I dive. I am going to pull them off . Maybe I have to use several more coats of neoprene cement or use some other kind of adhesive. Any helpful suggestions would be welcome
I tried looking in youtube but did not find that one. I will look again. I already cut the old neoprene seals off and tried to glue the new latex seals on. I applied two coats of neoprene cement to the cuff and seal and glued them in place but it seeps badly when I dive. I am going to pull them off . Maybe I have to use several more coats of neoprene cement or use some other kind of adhesive. Any helpful suggestions would be welcome

Did you use neoprene tape? Like this (also used in the video).
25mm Neoprene Tape per Meter (Spare Part) - Seaskin Custom Diving Suits
I've read / seen online 4-5 coats of glue for neoprene (on DRiS website). Personally I think I plan to use 5 coats, unless I find out something different between now and then.

I'd like to do this at some point so I can add dry gloves and change the wrist seals if they get ripped. It doesn't look that hard.

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