To me that looks almost identical to my Trigon.. I mean a balanced p valve is a balanced p valve.. the only difference is with the LM / Halcyon valves you can close them externally. The Trigon and apparently the DR you can't (at least I don't see that being possible on the DR model).
I don't think this matters so much during the dive (you would have to have p valve and catheter fail on the same dive to be an issue), but it would be nice to have for cleaning. For instance, I would like to come out of the water, shoot some disinfectant in the line until I see it come out and then close the end and let it sit while I clean everything else up. Open it last thing and let the cleaning solution drain out. I'm not sure how beneficial that would be, but it sounds good on paper.
I'm not sure that a larger diameter than Halcyon / LM / Trigon would really do anything? Sounds more like a selling gimmick then actual real world stuff... kind of like some regs breathe better during tests but most people can't tell a difference irl? Idk... I've never had squeeze or UTI's with my Trigon. Any issues that I have had were 100% user error. I can blast a whole bottle of cleaning solution through the hose without skipping a beat and I've honestly never peed that hard in my life
The DR and Trigon have a little bit smaller profile to them (which is why I chose the Trigon). I don't think you can really go wrong with any of them though. LM and Halcyon are almost identical... you either get an H or a monkey on the front. Both the LM and Trigon are less expensive than the DR / Halcyon counterparts.