Replace boots with socks?

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I gots me a question.

I have a Moby sport trilam suit which is a cheapo but I can't get anything better right now. The problem is the boots are twenty sizes too big and create a huge air bubble. I know I can send it to Mobys and for $300 or something near than get smaller boots put on, but I don't really get cold in it, so I am thinking maybe what I ought to do is nix the boots entirely and replace them with latex socks, wear an insulation layer under them and a big shore diving wetsuit boot over. Then no more giant bubble messing up my trim.

Anyone have an opinion on the practicality and/or merits of such a scheme?
If I understand correctly, the boots are attached at the feet? If that is the case, get a pair of snomobile boot liners to put inside of them. This usually takes up a few sizes, (the extra space) and keeps your feet comfy. I have a D.U.I. suit with the sock booties. I just wear my wetsuit boots over the outside, and i haven't had a problem. I think you should try the boot liners. It will save you some money. Sounds like you were on the right track!
I tried the liners in an old Oneil suit with clown boots in 36 degree water. It made me increase my weight 3-4 lbs but they were so Godly warm and comftable I didn't want to take them off at the end of the dive.

Are you planning on getting the thin rubber latex or the thick material neoprene boots. I would assume latex socks being thin rubber would tend to get punctured and need replacing after a year of 2 of rough use. I could see if they also designed them so they were extra tight at the ankle to provide and ankle seal should the develope holes and you still wated to use the suit.

If you have the boots removed and some kind of "sock" attached (like the latex), then yes, you can use a neoprene bootie or a better fitting rock boot. Some people prefer the attached boot (less to deal with, no laces, etc) in which case it would be better to spend the extra $ and just have better fitting boots attached.
As far as air in the feet, time and experience with the suit will fix that.

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